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Grade: Elementary
Subject: other
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I Can Manage Myself Club - ICMM Club
http://www.geocities.com/icmmclubs/ICMMClubs.htm<<<<< Addendum 1 - Behavior Improvement Assignments <<<<<
The following CHOOSE TO BE RESPONSIBLE form was edited after being obtained from the following books.
Classroom Management for Elementary Teachers; 4th Ed; c 1984 89 94 97; Pg 170
Evertson, Emmer, Clements, and Worsham; Allyn and Bacon; Needham Heights, MA 02494
Classroom Management for Secondary Teachers; 5th Ed; c 1984 89 94 97 2000; Pg 182
Emmer, Evertson, and Worsham; Allyn and Bacon; Needham Heights, MA 02494
CHOOSE TO BE RESPONSIBLE WORKSHEETName _________________________________________ Date __________________
Rules we agreed on:
1. Speak politely to others.
2. Treat each other kindly.
3. Follow teacher requests.
4. Come to class prepared.
5. Make a good effort in class and request help if you need it.
6. Obey all class procedures and school rules.Please answer the following questions:
1. What rule (or rules) did you violate?
2. What did you do that violated the rules?
3. What problem did this cause for you, your teacher, or classmates?
4. What plan can you develop that will help you be more responsible and follow our classroom rules?
5. How can your teachers or other students help you?
I _________________________________________, will try my best to follow the plan I have written and to follow all other rules and procedures that we had created to make our classroom a great place to learn and to help others to learn.
At the teacher's discretion depending upon the student's actions and attitude the following "time-out" writing assignments have been helpful to encourage the student to reflect on their behavior."TIME- OUT" REFLECTION LESSONS
20 AND 30 MINUTE "TIME-OUT" REFLECTION ASSIGNMENTSAfter the student finishes a lesson, have them write out their own plan on 1) how they can change their behavior and 2) why they should.
Directions: Please copy onto a separate piece of paper. Be sure to put your name in the right hand corner of your paper. Title your paper "Respect".
We all need and deserve to be respected. However, we cannot respect others when we don't respect ourselves. When you are rude, put people down, talk negatively, or insult people; you are hurting your respect for yourself as well as for others.
Everyone needs to feel good about themselves in order to get along with others. When someone does not feel good about himself or herself, he or she speaks and acts in ways that hurt others. When you don't feel good about yourself, everyone loses.
We all have bad days. No one is immune to having things go wrong. That is why we always have to remember to treat people with respect, even if we are not feeling very good about ourselves, or can tell that they may not be feeling much respect for themselves. When you automatically treat people with respect, you help everyone feel better about themselves.
How can I treat people with respect automatically?
1. Ignore them when they say or do something that hurts my feelings.
2. Overlook it when someone is trying to tease me to get me mad.
3. Don't argue with someone who is obviously not feeling good about him/herself.
4. Don't say things in anger, count to ten before I speak or don't say anything until the anger has passed.
5. Don't say negative things. I have a right to my opinions, but I do not have the right to express it.
6. Always try to think of everyone as doing the best they can, see everyone as the best that they can be.
7. Put myself in the other person's place and try to understand what their point-of-view is.
8. Most importantly, treat others as I would like to be treated.
RESPECT LESSON - TWODirections: Onto a new sheet of notebook paper put your name in the upper right hand corner. Title your paper "Respect". Copy the definition for "respect" that's given below. Write a one page essay on what respect means to you and how you can show others that you respect them. A simple rule that may help you with your essay is, "we should all treat other people the way we would like to be treated ourselves."
Respect- The state of being regarded with honor or esteem.
Directions: Copy the lesson onto a separate piece of paper. Be sure to title it "Talking Lesson" and put your name on the top right-hand corner of your paper.
I understand that time is one of the most valuable things we have. Forty-eight minutes is so little time to do all the things we need to do in class, so it is vitally important to make every minute count. When I talk or goof off or disrupt the class, I am wasting valuable learning time. That is not fair to my teacher, my classmates or to myself.
I understand that it is okay to talk:
1. If I raise my hand and the teacher calls on me.
2. I've seen an emergency and I must speak up so no one will get hurt.
3. The teacher has allowed a talking time.But I know that I must not talk without raising my hand for permission:
1. During any instruction times.
2. When a student is asking or answering a question during an instruction time.
3. When the teacher has instructed the class that it is a quiet study time.I can see that learning how to talk only when it is proper to do so is very important, so I will copy this paper as many times as it will take to show you that I have learned this lesson.
THINKING ABOUT BEHAVIOR LESSON - ONEDirections: Write out the question and answer it in complete sentences by using some words in the question in your answer. Ø Please think carefully about your answers. An administrator and/or your parents could read them in the near future.
1. What did you do that got you into trouble?
2. Why was it wrong to do what you did?
3. What can you do differently in the future so that you will not get into trouble?
4. What can the Teacher do to help you stay out of trouble and to help you do better in class?As almost a last resort this lesson is used at the beginning of every year in order to coerce some of the most difficult students to continually reflect on their polite manners towards their neighbors and their teacher.
Directions: Please copy the following sentence onto a separate piece of paper as many times as it will take for you to be able to reflect on this lesson during our class times. Be sure to put your name in the right hand corner of your paper. Title your paper "THINKING ABOUT BEHAVIOR LESSON".
Although writing is something that one should do to communicate, today I behaved so badly in Ms. __'s class that I have been assigned to write this long, boring, incredibly pointless and awfully constructed sentence (which really should be at least two sentences) several times; perhaps I will think about modifying my behavior so that writing can once again be used as a tool for communication rather than a time out assignment for corrective reflection.
FOR CLASSROOM DISTURBANCESYou have been assigned to quiet detention time for repeatedly disturbing your class during quiet times. While in detention, write the following assignment quietly and clearly so that it can be checked by the teacher. If you do not quietly finish this assignment before your detention time is over, you will probably be asked by the teacher to finish it during the next detention time. (Approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.)
Directions: Copy the lesson in your best handwriting onto a sheet of notebook paper; be sure to title it "Detention Time Writing Assignment" and put your name on the top right-hand corner of your paper.
When you bother the other students, it is hard for them to learn. To learn, you must be able to think about what you are doing. You are being selfish when you make it hard for other students to concentrate. When you disturb someone, you want them to pay attention to you. This is not fair since they may want to pay attention to their schoolwork.
Can you think of times when you do not like to be bothered? Some students do not like to be disturbed while watching their favorite television show. Others like to be left alone when they are reading a book. If you were playing a video game, would you want to be bothered?
You can bother someone when you talk to them. Tapping a pencil or ruler can be distracting. Yelling or throwing things can also disturb others. It is the teacher's job to make sure everyone can learn without being bothered with the disturbances of others.
If you bother other people, they will be unhappy. They also will not respect you very much. If you are not respected, you may find yourself left out when students do things together. Most people do not want to be around those who are a nuisance (a bother). Some people say that if you are a nuisance you are a pest!
Think about these two stories. Mr. Lee was Stan and Pete's teacher. As Mr. Lee was trying to teach, Stan was trying to get Pete's attention. This was not fair to Mr. Lee or the other students. Mr. Davis was a substitute for Mr. Lee and was treated badly by Larry. The other students helped Mr. Davis get used to their class. Larry tried to make it hard on Mr. Davis by throwing paper airplanes. No one liked the actions of Stan or Larry. Now the teachers may have to keep their eyes on Stan and Larry.
Students who bother others often get poor grades. They are so busy trying to disturb the class that they fall behind in their schoolwork. Because they have not paid attention, they often do not know what to do. They are lost and have to ask others for help with the assignments.
The best way to stop bothering others is to promise yourself not to be a disturbance again. When you think of such a promise and try to keep it you have made a goal for yourself. This means you are trying to be a grown-up. By realizing that you are doing something wrong and by trying to correct it only one thing can happen - improvements will be made. On the other hand, to ignore problems only makes matters worse.
FOR CLASSROOM DISTURBANCESYou have been assigned to reflection detention time for repeatedly disturbing your class during quiet times. While in detention, write the following assignment quietly and clearly so that it can be checked by the teacher. If you do not quietly finish this assignment before your detention time is over, you will probably be asked by the teacher to finish it during the next detention time. (Approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.)
Directions: Copy the lesson in your best handwriting onto a sheet of notebook paper and fill in the blanks with your own words. Be sure to title it "Time-Out Reflection Lesson" and put your name on the top right-hand corner of your paper.
I understand that school is a place for learning. Every student in America is offered 12 years of free education. No other country in the world offers this to their students. I understand that I choose to use this time well or to not use it well. I can get an education and learn more about myself and the world around me, or I can waste my time at school.
I understand that the teacher is responsible for many things. The teacher needs to plan the lesson and then do what is possible to help students understand the material. The teacher has a big job because it is not easy to help a class full of students. When I behave disruptively, I am making it hard for the teacher to do a good job teaching the whole class. This isn't fair and I don't have the right to do this.
I understand that the other students in my class have a right to the best education they are willing to work for. When I behave disruptively, I not only keep the teacher from doing a good job; I am also keeping students from getting the best education possible. This is not fair and I don't have a right to do this.
I understand that right now, I am missing out on valuable learning time. Instead of learning, I am copying this lesson. I understand that I made a decision to behave unacceptably in class and the consequence for this was being sent out of the room and my grade will likely not be as good as it could have been this week. I understand that I have the power to make good decisions or bad decisions. When I make good decisions I am rewarded for them. In school, this means getting a good education and feeling good about myself for trying hard and doing the best I could do. I understand that I deserve a good education and I have the power and responsibility to make this happen.
I am here copying this because I was sent out of the room. I was sent out of the room because
[Explain in a way that your teacher will not need to redo this sentence.]____________________________________________________________________________
When I return to class, I will [Write 2 to 4 options that could prevent future "time-outs".]
Dear Parent or Legal Guardian of _____________________________,
This is a behavior improvement time out assignment that I've found to be helpful in persuading most of my students to become less talkative during our class's quiet times.
I love children and you have a good-hearted boy, he is just talkative during our class's quiet times. He had been told that if after he would write the first sentence below and his behavior improved, then this note would not have been sent home for you to sign. After writing the sentence he was again disruptive on more than one occasion so I felt I should send this note home as I'd warned. Today I recorded that your child was disruptive _____ times and therefore he's been asked to write a total of _____ sentences. He has also been told that if his behavior during our class's quiet time doesn't improve after this assignment was completed, I 'might' need to make an appointment for us all to meet together or to talk via the phone. Even so, knowing your boy has never been belligerent with his behavior, I truly believe that an appointment will likely never be necessary.
Finally, I've seen that this short time out assignment has helped to encourage many students to respect their classmates' right to a peaceful and productive time at school, but I'd also appreciate as much help as you might provide me in discussing with your boy why quiet study times are so important to this next generation of students and to their parents.
I sincerely thank you for helping me to become the best teacher for my class that I can become.
__________________________________ ___________________________________
Teacher's Signature Parent or Legal Guardian's SignaturePS If you would like to talk about this assignment, please leave me your phone number and the best times after 4:30 PM that I could call you.
Phone #(s): _________________________ Time(s) Available:
0. I will try harder to not talk during quiet times so everyone can finish their work.
Finish sentences on back or if needed use extra sheets of paper. (Approximately three minutes is needed to complete five sentences.)
A student should be assigned only the first sentence in class. For additional corrections in class the last chance assignment should be given.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Dear Parent or Legal Guardian of _____________________________,
This is a behavior improvement time out assignment that I've found to be helpful in persuading most of my students to become less talkative during our class's quiet times.
I love children and you have a good-hearted girl, she is just talkative during our class's quiet times. She had been told that if after she would write the first sentence below and her behavior improved, then this note would not have been sent home for you to sign. After writing the sentence she was again disruptive on more than one occasion so I felt I should send this note home as I'd warned. Today I recorded that your child was disruptive _____ times and therefore she's been asked to write a total of _____ sentences. She has also been told that if her behavior during our class's quiet time doesn't improve after this assignment was completed, I 'might' need to make an appointment for us all to meet together or to talk via the phone. Even so, knowing your girl has never been belligerent with her behavior, I truly believe that an appointment will likely never be necessary.
Finally, I've seen that this short time out assignment has helped to encourage many students to respect their classmates' right to a peaceful and productive time at school, but I'd also appreciate as much help as you might provide me in discussing with your girl why quiet study times are so important to this next generation of students and to their parents.
I sincerely thank you for helping me to become the best teacher for my class that I can become.
__________________________________ ___________________________________
Teacher's Signature Parent or Legal Guardian's SignaturePS If you would like to talk about this assignment, please leave me your phone number and the best times after 4:30 PM that I could call you.
Phone #(s): _________________________ Time(s) Available:
0. I will try harder to not talk during quiet times so everyone can finish their work.
Finish sentences on back or if needed use extra sheets of paper. (Approximately three minutes is needed to complete five sentences.)
A student should be assigned only the first sentence in class. For additional corrections in class the last chance assignment should be given.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
For: ________________________You are being asked to complete a reflection time out assignment for repeatedly being disruptive during quiet times, and for preventing our class from completing our work at school. I've noted that you've been disruptive on at least _______ occasions before _________ o'clock, and for this I'll ask you to complete _______ sentences identical to the one given below.
0. I will try harder to not talk during quiet times so everyone can finish their work.
Finish sentences on back or if needed use extra sheets of paper. (Approximately five minutes is needed to complete eight sentences.)
A student should be given this time out activity after having been moved from their regular seating assignment.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
For: ________________________You are being asked to complete a time out assignment for repeatedly being disruptive during quiet times and for preventing your classmates and I from completing our work at school. If you don't quietly finish this assignment and turn it in to me within the next few minutes, you will have forced me to make additional time out recommendations to your regular teacher; and/or I will shortly send you to the principal's office in order to allow others to peacefully finish their work. I've noted that you've been disruptive on at least _______ occasions before _________ o'clock, and for this I'll ask you to reflectively complete _______ sentences identical to the one given below.
0. I will try harder to not talk during quiet times so everyone can finish their work.
Finish sentences on back or if needed use extra sheets of paper. (Approximately five minutes is needed to complete eight sentences.)
A student should be given this time out activity after having been moved from their regular seating assignment.
<<<<< Addendum 2 - Additional Techniques & Good Ideas <<<<<Post: A method for a student to keep their own daily tally of misbehaviors and one teacher's consequences for 4th graders.
In Microsoft Outlook there is a place to print out calendars, I print one out for each month on a 4 X 6 index card. I have also made them without the weekend days as small as 1.75 x 3.5. They are attached to the students' desk using a magnet with a clip. For the student's cards that have been prone to become messy, these are also enclosed in a freezer zip-lock bag. (-:
The first time a rule is broken the student gets a warning, one check mark on that date on their calendar. Warnings are just that and no other consequences occur. Second time, another checkmark and then you owe me 5 minutes of recess or free time. Third checkmark earns you no recess or free time for that day. Fourth checkmark and we will write an action plan, which you must take home and have someone sign, and you will also have to speak to someone at home when I call. Fifth time or for more serious infractions a child will immediately be sent to the office.
The beauty of this system is that everything is documented. At the beginning of the year I document which calendars are sent home at the end of the week and include a short note explaining the need for a guardian's signature. As the year progresses I send them home at longer intervals. Those who have less than a pre-determined number of checkmarks at the end of a week, or two weeks, can earn something like extra monkey fun time or something from the treasure box etc. I do this while also trying to quickly wean the kids away from this extrinsic motivation as soon as I feel it can be done for each individual case. At the end of each month, I file the original card in each student's folder, and then they get a new calendar.
Eventually the students understand that if I just hold my hand out, they know they must give me their calendar, I put a checkmark and we move on. As the year goes I've been able to just motion for a student to mark their own card with their red grading pen, but I have to have a good memory for this and give a double penalty if some "forget". Oftentimes a good neighbor will help us all remember so everyone is held accountable every time. I also carry a steno notebook with me in the halls, and that way I can be sure that if you needed a checkmark in the hall, you will get it when we get back. It is oftentimes difficult for a child to remember what happens outside our class so I need to write these down. (-:
Not much time wasted on this technique. It sounds complicated, but it really isn't and best of all I have documentation of behavior if needed.
Slightly edited from: http://teachers.net/mentors/discipline/
Post: Using Bonus Bucks with auctions as an incentive for good behavior.I held auctions on report card day each quarter this year. Basically, I start by placing all items out just before lunch so they can see them, see the starting bid and think it over a little. I don't do any absolute auctions- that gets way too expensive because the kids figure it out and will lowball you every time.
After lunch, I auction the highest demand items first (so kids don't "save" their bucks till the last 1-2 items). I mention the starting bid and all students interested raise their hands. Then I slowly raise the price and students lower their hands when they are not willing to pay that price. The last hand, or two if I have more than one, gets the item and turns in their bucks. Anyone talking above a whisper loses their bidding privilege for that item and the next one. Since they don't know what order I will auction things off in, that generally keeps the volume in control.
Auctions are also a great way to get a few of the parents to participate in my classroom management and discipline efforts since they must supply all of these rewards. I just supply their pencils, erasers, silent sharpeners, and paper etc. that they can purchase as they need it.
When I have our auctions I will also have a "class store" with stationary and really cheap little toys that could be purchased for $1-5 each with a child's real money, so everyone would be able to leave with something they could feel good about.
That's how I do it, and it works pretty efficiently.
Good luck with yours and have fun with it!
Slightly edited from: http://teachers.net/mentors/upper_elementary/