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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Science
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Kelli Flanigan November 20, 2003
Forest Hills Elementary Grade 2
ScienceRelationships to State Standards:
Science and Technology/Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics; 3.4.4-D. Describe the composition and structure of the universe and the earth's place in it/ Recognize earth's place in the solar system. Identify planets in our solar system and their general characteristics.Objectives:
Identify how the sun's size compares to the other planets in our solar system.
Name one characteristic for each planet.
Identify planets in order starting from the sun.Materials:
40 different sized Styrofoam balls (4 should be a lot larger to represent the sun)
"The Magic School Bus, Lost in the Solar System" book
4 larger sheets of black Styrofoam/cardboard , vut into large circles
Safety pins
Colorful paint
Flashcards (with each planet and a fun fact)
Black yarnVocabulary:
Solar System
PlutoInstructional Procedures:
Anticipatory Set
o Read "The Magic School Bus, Lost in the Solar System" and discuss with the class Developmental Activities
o Ask students which is bigger, Earth or Sun
o Explain that if the Earth was the size of a marble, the sun would be the size of a basketball
o Ask the students if they remember any planets mentioned in the book, and write them down on the board.
o Ask if they know which planet is closest to the sun.
o Explain the order of the planets starting with the sun (I will first ask the students if they know which planet comes after the one I name first.
o Divide the students into 3 groups. Each group will make a planet mobile
o Pass out the materials (black cardboard, planets (planets will already be painted for time restraints, and a string will be attached with a safety pin.)
o Attach the sun on the middle of the cardboard.
o Attach the other planets according to their position from the sun. (The black cardboard has been labeled with number 1-9, with a white crayon). I will ask the students if they know which planet is number one (the closest to the sun), and they will attach the piece of string.
o After students have completed attaching all planets, they can turn it over.
o They can display their planet mobiles. Closure
o To end the lesson, show the flashcards with the "fun facts".
o While you are giving the fun fact, have the students point it out on their model.
o Hang mobiles around the room.Assessment:
Orally assess students when they are reciting planets out loud.Enrichment:
Show a PowerPoint presentation to the students using an overhead projector. The presentation will consist of a Title page, and an introduction page. The presentation will then move forward exploring each planet individually starting with the closest to the sun. There will be a picture of the planet along with interesting facts about it. Each planet will be shown on an individual slide. The last slide will show the size difference between all of the planets and the sun.