Grade: Pre-School
Subject: Music

#3281. hello song

Music, level: Pre-School
Posted Wed Nov 17 21:26:04 PST 2004 by Meme ().
Community Action Head Start, USA
Materials Required: singing voices
Activity Time: 1 minute
Concepts Taught: social, learning others names

Here is a song that we use during our meeting circle to say hello to all our friends at school..

Let's Say Hello (sung to the tune of "The More We Get Together"

Let's say hello to (child's name) and (child's name) and (child's name). Let's say hello to our friends, we're glad you are today.

The children in my class always get a huge smile on their face when we come to their name :D!! They love the recognition and this song is so helpful for those new friends who start later in the year and don't know anybody yet.