Grade: Pre-School
Subject: Mathematics

#3524. Weather Graphing

Mathematics, level: Pre-School
Posted Tue Jul 19 16:36:02 PDT 2005 by Lynda (
Parkview Elementary - M.S.R.P., Charlotte, MI
Materials Required: 4 Column Graph Paper, 4 Weather Symbols, 4 Crayons
Activity Time: 5 - 10 Minutes
Concepts Taught: Observation, Counting & Correct use of Comparison Words

Everyday at our opening meeting rug time we add to our monthly weather graph.
1 - the weather person observes the weather.
2 - then he/she selects the weather symbol.
- 4 Symbols, laminated, w/velcro on back,
Raindrop, Snowflake, Sun, Cloud
3 - attaches it on "Today's Weather is" sign
4 - colors in the box on the Weather Graph
- We use yellow for sunny, blue for rainy,
black for cloudy, and purple for snowy
(white doesn't show on white paper.)
5 - the students will decide which column has
the most, the least, and the same. The
students love to compare their graph to the
graph from the opposite class (AM or PM).