Grade: Senior
Subject: Language

#3526. Impact of Greek Mythology in Today's World

Language, level: Senior
Posted Sat Jul 23 12:24:40 PDT 2005 by Kelley Armstrong (
TAMU-Commerce, Rockwall, USA
Materials Required: Internet access
Activity Time: 55 minutes
Concepts Taught: Researching ties between old and new world cultures and expression through oral presentations

Title: Impact of Greek Mythology in Today's World
Primary Subject: Language Arts Chapter 110 course 42 English I
Grade Level: 8- 12
Objective: Students will be able to connect real world logos and meanings to the names of companies and places by relating them to Greek myths. (b) 3 (A, B, C), 6 (D, E, F), 7 (A, B, C)
Teaching Strategies: Small group inquiry/oriented model.
Focus Activity: (10 minutes) I will display overhead pictures at the front of the room of various company logos and names. The groups will discuss how they believe the pictures are related. Each group will then express their beliefs to the class.
Purpose: (5 minutes) by the end of this lesson, you will see that events real and imagined can have an effect on cultures thousands of years later. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to relate Greek mythology to modern day products, companies, and their missions.
Input: (5 minutes) Myths have been used by societies for many years to explain events that they knew to be true or to explain events in which they had no knowledge of causation. Many myths, even modern day folklore have been passed by word of mouth. During Greek times, many of these myths were memorizations expressed to the populations by poets. (Introduce to the class the names of various Greek Gods).
Model: (5 minutes) I will share with the students a (Aegis), and the relation to modern times. The Aegis was the protective shield of Zeus and Athena. Today, the US Navy has a class of warships known as the "Aegis Class." These ships are used to protect aircraft carriers by forming a protective shield against incoming ships, missiles, or airplanes.
Independent Practice: (20 minutes) Groups will be asked to research in books and the internet the names of Greek gods. They will then be asked to cross reference these names to modern day companies and industries.
Closure: (10 minutes) Groups will share with the class the names of the gods and the names of companies. They will relate why these companies chose the given logos or corporate names as they relate to Greek mythology.
Extra Credit: Groups can earn extra credit by copying the company logos and writing a description of the Greek influence.
Assessment: Student's will be graded by how well they researched the information, their knowledge of Greek myths, and the number of myths tied to modern times.
Modifications: All students' IEPs will be followed.
Real World Applications: Students will become familiar with historical references and influences on modern day life.
Tie-In: History and Science