Grade: Middle
Subject: Mathematics

#3536. Pass the Pencil

Mathematics, level: Middle
Posted Sun Jul 31 20:40:53 PDT 2005 by Kristen Fannin (kfann02@yahoocom).
Lakeview Centennial H.S., Garland, Tx, USA
Materials Required: pencil
Activity Time: 10 minutes
Concepts Taught: Algebra linear equations

Objective: Students will be able to complete various algebraic equations working as a team to complete the set.

Begin by grouping the students in groups of five. Within these groups, one student is designated as student A, another as student B, etc. All "A" students should write down equation A, all "B" students should write down equation B, etc.

The teacher begins the activity by annoucing the value of the variable "a." All "A" students substitute this value into their equation to find the value of "b" which they then whisper to the "B" students. All "B" students then substitute this value into their equation to find the value of variable "c," etc. The winning group is the first to find the value of the variable "f."

Example Problems:

Equation A: b=3a+5
Equation B: c=2b-12
Equation C: d=(c+4)/2
Equation D: e=(d*d)-13
Equation E: f=e/3+11

Teacher given: a=1

Have the students clear their desks and give the first person in each row the hand out and a pencil. The first group to complete the sheet with all of the correct answers is the winner.