Grade: Elementary
Subject: Literature

#3563. Using Connections in comprehension

Literature, level: Elementary
Posted Tue Sep 13 07:33:30 PDT 2005 by Farah Najam (
Defence School, Karachi, Pakistan
Materials Required: none
Activity Time: Upto the teacher

We can teach the student comprehension in the following ways by using connection. Connect the text to self, text to text, text to world. Teach comprehension to the students in the following ways

When we are teaching text to text connection. It can be taught in the following ways
This line reminds me of the time ....because...
When we are teaching text to self. It can be taught in the following wasys
This line reminds me of the the time.. because..
When we are teaching text to world. It can be taught in the following ways
This line reminds me of something I heard about because