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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Health
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Antheil Elementary School Health Education Lesson Plan #2
Name: David Scibetta Date: November 22, 2005 Block #: 3
Grade: 2nd # of Students: 22 Co-op Initials: CM
Unit: Personal Health Lesson: Physical Activity & Fitness
National Standards: (2), (5), & (6)
NJ Core Curriculum Standards: 2.1(A/B/D), 2.5(A/B), & 2.6(A/C)
I. Instructional Objectives
A. Affective: At the end of the health lesson, students should value physical activity and fitness, as the basis of lifetime habits and beliefs, based upon responses from a questionnaire.
B. Social: Throughout the class lesson, the students should carefully listen to the teacher, actively participate, and do not talk unless called upon; they should also cooperate with their classmates in various activities, meaning that I do not have to reprimand them and thus have them move their "bee."
II. Materials and Equipment
A. Lesson Plan
B. Straw
C. Small Cup of Water
D. 22 Copies of the "Bee Wise and Exercise" Teaching Master Sheet
E. 4 Boxes of Assorted Markers
III. Procedure
A. Introduction 4
· Good afternoon, class!
· Today we are going to be learning about physical activity and fitness.
· Does that sound fun?. . .Great!
· So, how often do you meet for gym class? (Call on one student.)
· How many of you like gym class? (Count hands.)
· What are some of the activities that you do in gym class?
· Which activity is your favorite? (Call on a few students.)
· How many of you participate in physical activity outside of gym class? (Count hands.)
· What are some of the activities that you do? (Call on a few students.)
· How many of you have parents or siblings who participate in physical activity on a regular basis? (Count hands.)
· What are some of the activities that they do? (Call on a few students.)
· Wonderful!. . .Now I want all of you to carefully listen to me again and participate as we go along.
· But remember: No talking at all unless you raise your hand and I then call on you!
· I gave all of you a break last week, but I will definitely have you move your "bees" today if you do not cooperate with me and misbehave.
B. Information on Physical Activity and Fitness 17
· First step to becoming physically active and fit is getting proper sleep.
Ø Rest--period of relaxation (awake or asleep)
Ø Sleep--state of deep relaxation in which the person is asleep
Ø Five Main Benefits of Sleep:
1) Keep mentally alert.
2) Maintain a good appearance and well-being.
3) Stay physically well.
4) Maintain proper growth.
5) Rebuild and reenergize the body.
Ø Second-graders usually sleep for 11 to 12 hours.
Ø Amount of sleep needed decreases with age: Adults=About 8 hours.
· Physical Activity--any body movement by the muscles that uses energy.
· Regular Physical Activity--physical activity that is performed on most days of the week.
· Lack of regular physical activity is a serious problem in the U.S.
Ø More than ½ of all U.S. adults do not meet recommended levels of physical activity.
Ø ¼ perform no physical activity at all (outside of normal daily living).
Ø Physical activity levels begin to decline as children approach their teenage years and continue to decrease throughout adulthood, which is certainly not good.
· Five Main Health Benefits of Regular Physical Activity:
1) Reduces the risk of early death.
2) Reduces the risk of heart disease, as we will demonstrate in a little.
3) Promotes an overall well-being.
Ø Beta-Endorphins--substances from brain that create well-being.
4) Helps control a healthy body weight.
Ø Body composition--amount of fat and muscle in the body (you want to have more muscle than fat).
5) Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
Ø Joints--areas where the bones connect to each other.
Ø Reduces the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis.
Ø Osteoporosis--condition in which bones lose calcium and thus become thin and brittle (especially in women).
Ø Arthritis--painful inflammation of the joints.
· Elementary school-age children should receive at least 60 minutes of physical activity on most, if not all, days of the week.
· Some of the child's activity each day should be in periods lasting 10 to 15 minutes or more.
Ø Examples: Game of basketball, jumping rope, and gymnastics.
· Physical Fitness--ability to perform physical activity as well as meet the demands of daily living, while still being energetic and alert.
· Health-Related Fitness--ability of the heart, lungs, muscles, and joints to function at normal capacity.
Ø There are five main components, which we will discuss later.
Ø Exercise--planned, structured, and repetitive body movement done to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness.
Ø How many of you exercise outside of school? (Count hands.)
Ø What exactly do you do? (Call on a few students.)
Ø How many of you have parents or siblings who exercise? (Count hands.)
Ø What exactly do they do? (Call on a few students.)
Ø Two Main Kinds of Exercise:
1) Aerobic--uses oxygen continually for a long period of time.
o Examples: Running and swimming.
2) Anaerobic--short bursts of exercise without the use of oxygen.
o Examples: Lifting weights and jumping.
Ø Warm-Up--period of 3-5 minutes to prepare the muscles for work.
Ø Cool-Down--period of 5-10 minutes after exercise to help the body return to a relaxed state.
Ø The cool-down is a good time to stretch because the muscles are warm and thus will not be injured by stretching.
Ø FITT Formula--how to obtain fitness benefits from physical activity:
1) Frequency--how often a person will perform physical activities.
2) Intensity--how hard a person will perform physical activities.
3) Time--how long a person will perform physical activities.
4) Type--kind of physical activities that a person will perform to develop a fitness component.
C. Teaching Strategy for Physical Activity & Fitness 12
· People who do not participate in regular physical activity can have problems with their blood circulation.
· Have a student come up to the front of the class.
· Have a small cup of water ready with a straw inside of it.
· Tell him/her to drink a small amount of water through the straw.
· Ask the students what they noticed about this.
· (The water moved smoothly through the straw.)
· Explain that this is an analogy of a healthy blood vessel (flowed easily).
· Then pinch the straw and twist it around.
· Tell the same student to drink the water through the straw again.
· Ask the students what they noticed this time.
· (The water did not flow easily through the straw.)
· Explain that this is an analogy of an unhealthy blood vessel (clogged).
· Reiterate that people who do not participate in regular physical activity can have problems with their blood circulation.
· Likewise, being physically fit helps the blood vessels as well as the heart stay healthy.
· In order to become physically fit, it is important to develop the five main components of physical fitness:
1) Muscular Endurance--ability to use muscles for an extended period of time.
Ø What are some activities that help to develop this? (Call on a few.)
2) Muscular Strength--ability of muscles to perform tasks with power, such as pushing and pulling.
Ø What are some activities that help to develop this? (Call on a few.)
3) Cardiorespiratory Endurance--ability to do exercises that require increased oxygen intake for an extended period of time.
Ø What are some activities that help to develop this? (Call on a few.)
4) Flexibility--ability to bend easily at the joints and stretch muscles without too much effort, which we will practice in a little while.
Ø What are some activities that help to develop this? (Call on a few.)
5) Healthful Body Composition--more lean tissue than fat in the body.
Ø Lean Tissue--body tissue that has little or no fat (muscle).
Ø What are some activities that help to develop this? (Call on a few.)
· There are many benefits of physical fitness, not just the five main ones that we discussed earlier in class.
· Provide each student with a copy of the "Bee Wise and Exercise" sheet.
· Have 10 students read off the 10 respective benefits listed on the sheet.
· After all 10 benefits have been read, the students will have a couple of minutes to color in the bee.
· Provide the class with 4 boxes of assorted markers to share.
· The students should then keep the worksheet for themselves.
· Obviously, they will not be assessed on this worksheet.
D. Practice Activity for Flexibility--Stretching 5
· The students will all join me in the back of the classroom on the rug.
· They will gather in their usual circle, as Mrs. Myers has already set up.
· The students will then follow me as I go through a variety of stretches.
Ø Toe touches (bend knees if necessary in order to avoid injury).
Ø Bring knee up and hold.
Ø Pull knee back and hold (hand on ankle).
Ø Butterfly stretches (do not stretch too far in order to avoid injury).
Ø Calf raises (lift up on your toes).
Ø Large arm circles forward (one arm at a time).
Ø Large arm circles backward (one arm at a time).
Ø Reach to the ceiling (extend arms as high as possible).
Ø Neck stretches (forward, backward, left, & right--but do not roll).
Ø Shake out all of your muscles--entire body (loosen up the muscles and get the students laughing).
· Have the students return to their seats for the closure of the lesson.
E. Closure 2
· The five main health benefits of regular physical activity are. . .(Call on a student for each one.). . .(1) reduce the risk of early death and (2) heart disease, (3) promote well-being, (4) help control weight, & (5) build and maintain bones, muscles, and joints.
· The five main components of physical fitness are. . .(Call on a student for each one.). . .(1) muscular endurance and (2) strength, (3) cardiorespiratory endurance, (4) flexibility, & (5) body composition.
· You can use the information that you have learned today as the basis for lifetime habits and beliefs; remember to always participate in some form of regular physical activity because as you could see in today's class, it is clearly healthy for you.
· What was your favorite part of today's class? (Call on a few students.)
· Wonderful!. . .I could tell that you were all participating and having fun.
· Your behavior was better today, but I want to see it even better next week.
· I will see you all again for another health lesson on next Wednesday, which will unfortunately be my last time here. . ..Goodbye!
IV. References
Meeks, L., Heit, P., & Page, R. (2003). Comprehensive School Health Education: Totally Awesome Strategies for Teaching Health. McGraw-Hill: Boston, MA.
V. Evaluation
A. Did I meet my class objectives?
B. How was my class control?
C. What changes should I make for next time?
D. How was my voice/projection?
E. Were ALL students active for the majority of the class?
F. Was my lesson creative?
G. Did the students have fun?
H. Was the material age and level appropriate?
I. Did the students understand my direction?