Grade: Elementary

#3666. Super Me

Social Studies, level: Elementary
Posted Sun Feb 12 15:21:06 PST 2006 by Jessica Max (
Liberty Elementary School, Liberty, SC USA
Materials Required: Tacky the Penguin and Three Cheers for Tacky by: Helen Lester, 2 hula hoops, sentence strips
Activity Time: 45 minutes
Concepts Taught: Students will compare and contrast themselves with Tacky the Penguin .

Objective: The students will be able to compare and contrast themselves with Tacky the Penguin in order to encourage a more positive self concept.

1. The teacher will ask the students to brainstorm what it means to be specail.
2. The teacher will read Tacky the Penguin to the class as they continue to brainstorm.
3. The teacher will ask the students to share ideas about what it means to be special leading the students to say, "being specail means being different."
4. The teacher will place the 2 hula hoops on the floor so that they over lap to resemble a venn diagram. The teacher will ask the students to come sit around the hula hoops.
5. The teacher will label one side of the venn diagram Tacky, and the other side teacher or his/her name.
6. The teacher will then ask the students to describe what made Tacky the Penguin specail. The teacher will record their answers on sentence strips and allow students to place their answer in Tacky's side of the venn diagram.
7. Then the teacher will allow students to brainstorm ideas that they think makes their teacher specail. The teacher will record their answers and allow the students to place them into the side of the venn diagram labled teacher.
8. Then, the teacher will ask the students to come up with one way Tacky and their teacher are the same, but still makes them different from others. The teacher will reocrd students resposes and place them in the over lapping part of the venn diagram.
9. The teacher will ask the students to return to their seats and give each one a venn diagram.
10. The teacher will ask the students to complete the venn diagram comparing themselves with Tacky the Penguin.
11. The teacher will allow the students to share one characteristic about themselves that makes them specail.
Closing: The teacher will read Three Cheers for Tacky by: Helen Lester, and remind the students that being different is ok!