Grade: Elementary

#3742. There's A Wasszoom in My Classroom

Reading/Writing, level: Elementary
Posted Tue Apr 18 18:09:55 PDT 2006 by tammi venzie (
Center Road School, Vernon, CT
Materials Required: White Construction Paper, Pencils, Crayons, There's A Wocket in My Pocket by Dr. Seuss
Activity Time: 50-60 minutes
Concepts Taught: Writing/Rhyming/Art

This is a great lesson to do during Reading Across America Day or Week.
1. Read the story There's A Wocket in My Pocket by Dr. Seuss.
2. Brainstorm with the students different things found in a classroom. (map, globe, desk, pencil, teacher, bookcase, eraser, computer, etc) You want to brainstorm enough for each student.
3. Assign each student one of the brainstormed classroom items. Have them come up with a creature that rhymes with their item. Then they will create a sentence. (Example: There is a snobe running on the globe).
4. Once they have written their sentence they can illustrate it.
5. Put it together as a class book titled: There's a Wasszoom in My Classroom.