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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Mathematics
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Graph Your Foot!I. Rationale- This lesson is important for children to learn in order for them to make connections between pictographs and mathematical calculations. By having the students measure their own foot and displaying the outline of the foot on a graph, they will connect the size of their foot with the bar graph that represents it.
II. Goals and Objectives
a. Instructional Goals: Students will measure their foot, cut it out and graph the results using their cutout foot.
b. Specific Objectives: The students will be able to trace the outline of their foot and then cut it out. Students will be able to measure the outline of their foot and add the amount to the amount of their partner's foot and tally the numbers in order to get a total length that will be graphed. Students will know how to organize data information as well as be able to interpret a bar graph. Students will be able to work cooperatively in groups of two.
c. MA.1.4.3 compare two objectives or events according to one or more of the following attributes: length, height, weight, time, temperature and volume
MA.1.5.1 identify and investigate various forms of data collection
MA.1.5.5 tally by one's, organize the data in a chart/table, and construct a bar graph; read and interpret tally charts and tables.
III. Essential Question: Which two students in this class have the largest and smallest combined shoe size?
VI. Procedure
a. Lesson Introduction: The lesson will begin with some focus questions. "How many of you think you wear a bigger size shoe than the person sitting beside you"? "Do you wear a bigger shoe size than your principle"? "Today we are going to find out what two students have the largest combined shoe size by measuring our feet"?
b. Lesson Development: First, divide the students into groups of two's. Do not let the students pick a partner, the teacher will pick a partner for them. Once the students have a partner, ask them to predict which group they believe will have the largest total shoe length.
Give two sheets of paper and two markers to each group. Be sure to use paper that is lighter in color so the markers show up. Next explain to the students that they are going to measure their partner's foot by tracing the foot (with shoe) on the paper. Lay one sheet of paper on the floor, have one student stand up and place one foot on the paper. The other student will use the marker to trace an outline of the shoe. Have an outline of your shoe already on the blackboard. When all students have a paper outline of a shoe, have them write their name inside the outline.
Make sure each child has a pair of safety scissors. Tell them to cut out the shoe by following the marker line on the paper. Be sure to walk around the classroom constantly to assess the children in all of these tasks.
Now that each group has two "shoes", they are ready to measure. Allow each group 20 one-inch foam squares (preferably). Have each student measure their foot by making a line directly down the middle of their shoe with the squares. Illustrate for the students how this is done by drawing an outline of a shoe on the board, and then draw little squares from the tip of the show to the heel of the shoe until no more will fit. One-inch circles would also work great!!
After all students have correctly laid out their squares, ask the students to count them and write the number inside their shoe, under their name. Now ask the students to take the number of squares they have and add it to the number of squares their partner has, to give them a total of squares from both shoes. Have them write this number over top of their name and circle it. They can add the squares any way they want.
Now the teacher will go to the blackboard where the graph has already been drawn. The basic angle of the graph can already be done beforehand, just be sure to leave room for names and numbers on the bottom and left hand side. On the bottom row, write how many groups there are in the class. On the left hand side of the graph, write the numbers 1-15. You can space the numbers out every two lines or every three depending on how many groups you have in a class. Just be sure the bottom and left side are the same lines apart.
Once the graph is complete, have each group come to the front of the class one at a time to turn in their combined shoe size. On the graph over group #1, place one shoe on the graph from bottom line up and then place the other shoe above the first shoe, while holding the cut outs, make a mark at the top of the shoe. Use a marker to draw a slim bar on the right side of the shoes. The bar can be colored in after the shoes have been removed. Write the name of the students under their group number. Remove the shoes checking that the addition is correct. Repeat these steps until all groups combined shoe size has been graphed.
Once all the bars are on the graph, ask the students which group has the biggest shoe size? Which group has the smallest shoe size? Point out a couple of groups and ask the students to raise their hand when the teacher points to the largest shoe size out of the two. Be sure to point out any groups that may have the same shoe size. Go through the bar graph and ask questions about each group, being sure not to leave any group out. The students will love to compare and contrast each group.
c. Lesson closure: Thank the class and ask the students what part of the activity they enjoyed the most. Now have the students go back to their original seat, taking their "shoe" with them. This will tell the students that the lesson is over. Ask the students some closing questions about the lesson they just completed. "Who can tell me what kind of graph is illustrated on the board?" "Could we measure other things in this class room to find their length"?
d. Lesson Contingency: If I have extra time I want to have the students decorate their shoe using a variety of materials.
e. Placing guide: None
f. List of Questions: In Lesson Plan
V. Daily (formative) Student Assessment: I will observe the students during the activity. The "shoes" will be assessed at the end of the assignment for accuracy of addition. A rubric will be used to grade all hands on activities. It will include the following. --Did the student work well with others -Did the student participate in the group discussion -Can the student interpret the graph when asked to tell what a groups shoe size is -Did the student follow directions
VI. Materials, Equipment, and Resources
a. Graph Paper (Chart Size)
b. Light or Pastel colored paper (no black)
c. Assorted Markers
d. Manipulative (one-inch foam squares or tiles)
VII. Modifications for Diverse Learners: If a student is deaf, the teacher must be sure to modify, not exclude the child from the activity.
Since it is first grade, the student will not be able to read directions good enough to understand them. He/she will be able to read lips, so be sure to talk slowly. Hand motions and pictures illustrating what the child is supposed to do are extremely helpful.