Grade: Elementary
Subject: Music
Making an Instrument
Lesson Plan #2 MUS 342Tambourine
1 yard of vinyl fabric of any color
1 medium weaving ring
15-20 bells
Fabric glue
Leather String or Yarn
Paint Pen (any color)Directions:
1. Cut 1 ½ foot square of vinyl fabric. Lay the cut fabric over the inside weaving ring.
2. Place the outside weaving ring over the fabric of the inside weaving ring. Tighten with the screw until the fabric between the two rings is attached securely.
3. Use scissors to cut undesired fabric from the edges. Note: Make sure to leave at least an inch of fabric around the edges to attach the bells and feathers.
4. Use scissor to cut two tiny parallel lines to thread leather string to in order to attach the bells. Tie securely in the back.
5. Continue step 4 until the tambourine has anywhere between 15-20 bells attached.
6. Use the fabric glue to attach the feathers around the bells.
7. Finally, decorate your tambourine with the paint pen. Be creative!