Grade: Elementary
Subject: Science

#3783. Penguins Marching Into Your Classroom

Science, level: Elementary
Posted Mon Aug 7 10:21:21 PDT 2006 by Jean Pennycook (
Fresno Unified School District, Fresno, Calif
Materials Required: art supplies, world map
Activity Time: 30 min - 1 hour
Concepts Taught: penguins, birds, Antarctica, geography, art

This is an NSF funded activity for your students to learn about penguins and Antarctica.
Most people will never visit this remarkable and remote place, but this year my team will be studying the Adelie penguins in the Ross Sea and we want to connect with your classroom.

Have your students create a 5x7 post card about penguins. Self address it and attach a 39-cent stamp. As a class, mail them to me at the address below before Nov 20, 2006 and I will mail them back from the ice with the "Antarctica" postmark and penguin stamps.

From Dec 2006 to Feb 2007 your classroom will be able to follow breeding pairs of Adelie penguins in the Ross Sea area as they incubate, raise and fledge their chicks. Daily pictures of these pairs will be posted on the interactive website which will be active starting Nov 2006.

Have your students find Antarctica on the map.
Here are some things to discuss while your students learn about Antarctica.
What adaptations to the animals have to survive there?
What is the significance of the Antarctic circle?
How do humans live and work there?
There are no land plants in Antarctica. How does the food chain differ form other food chains around the world?
How much ice is there in Antarctica?
What would happen if all the ice melted?
What is the difference between an iceberg and the seasonal sea ice?
Why are icebergs dangerous?

Jean Pennycook
Fresno Unified School District
3132 E. Fairmont. #5
Fresno, Calif 93726
For a printable flyer go to