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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Phys Ed
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Namaste Charter SchoolAdditional lesson plans for fighting childhood obesity are available at www.namasteshares.org.
Grade 1 Physical Education
How are we preparing our bodies and our
minds for movement and learning?
Introduce rules and routines
1) Become familiar with and participate in
opening rituals.
2) Prepare body for movement and learning.
3) Connect with body, teacher, classmates
and space.
Connection Circle (Yoga Kids, Ready
Bodies, Ready Minds)
Movement Sharing
Getting Ready To Learn Routine
(PACE from Brain Gym)
Wiggle Wiggle
Switched on the Music
Visual observation of participation
level.Where is my movement space?
Self-space vs. general space.
Space in a circle.
Small, medium, large kinesphere.
Levels: high, medium, low.
What am I moving?
Parts vs. whole.
Basic body shapes: ball, wall, pin,
Am I moving in control?
Teacher cues: freeze and go, ready
position-energy modulation.
Tension flow: bound, free, and passive
Partners, groups, whole class.
1) Differentiate between self space and
general space and be able to choose
appropriate space for activity.
2) Visually discriminate, judge, and control
where one's body is in space: create a circle
on the floor with classmate, adapt one's
kinesphere to fit the available space and the
movement activity, change between three
levels in space.
3) Visually discriminate, judge, and control
what of the body is moving; mold body into
different shapes, demonstrate different ways
to move body parts with postural movement
and gesture movement.
4) Follow directions, and respond to
movement cues.
5) Recognize different levels of tension in
the muscles.
6) Use changes in tension flow to control
body movement.
My backyard with shrinking space
Musical hoops
Space bubble cars
Freeze and go
Shape cards, freeze and go with shape
Shape shifter activity
Shape tag
Mr. Tape
Wiggle Wiggle dance
Melting ice statues, melt in different
Museum: freeze in interesting shape,
hold for 10 counts
Energy cycle: let's make a storm
High energy/free flow into high
bound: switched on the music
(rhythms on parade)
Calm/ free flow: Birds (Wiggle,
From high to calm: move through
general space in high energy slow
down to form a calm line.
Popcorn- three counts out to a large
space bubble and freeze, 5 counts to
get back to a circle with a small to
medium space bubble.
Teacher observation, homework
(ask me about my self space?),
teacher tests statues for tension
and tests puddles for floppy or
relaxed muscles and energy mural.
Grade 1 Physical EducationFITNESS CONCEPTS
How am I keeping my body healthy and
Cardiovascular exercise,
strength exercise, and flexibility exercise
1) Develop a healthy lifestyle which
includes at least an hour of physical activity
a day.
2) Identify and perform the three kinds of
physical fitness exercises.
3) Promote healthy physical development.
o Frozen bridge tag
o Make a storm
o Switch on the Music
o Curl-ups
o Down dog/ up dog
o Dog show
o Butterfly
o PB&J
o Turtle
Turn and talk about 3 kinds of
fitness and student demonstration
of different kinds of fitness
Loco motor movement patterns: skipping,
galloping, sliding, jumping, hopping,
leaping, running, and walking.
Non-loco motor movement patterns:
bending, stretching, twisting, turning,
growing, shrinking, and swinging.
1) Perform and differentiate 8 different loco
motor movement patters and different nonloco
motor movements.
Loco motor stations
o Skipping
o Galloping
o Alligator crawls
o Leaping
Teacher observation
Mediation/ guided relaxation, parachute
activities, breathing/energy modulation.
1) Develop and use self settling/calming
2) Recognize muscle tension
3) Develop inner focus, concentration, selfcontrol,
and body awareness
4) Experience physical and mental
recuperation after exertion.
Diamond meditation
Abdominal breathing
5-count breathing
Teacher observation. Drawing
How are we preparing our bodies and our
minds for movement and learning?
Introduce rules and routines
1) Become familiar with and participate in
opening rituals
2) Prepare body for movement and learning
3) Connect with body, teacher, classmates
and space.
Connection Circle (Yoga Kids, Ready
Bodies, Ready Minds)
Movement Sharing
Getting Ready To Learn Routine
(PACE from Brain Gym)
Monster Mash dance
Visual observation of participation
level.Where is my movement in space?
Pathways - straight, curved, zigzag.
Continue practicing other elements of
space (see September).
Am I aware of my body?
Moving with different energy levels:
high energy in control, medium
energy, calm energy, low or floppy
Am I moving in control?
Teacher cues: freeze and go, ready
position, energy modulation: high,
medium, calm.
Tension flow: bound, free, and passive
Partners, groups, whole class.
1) Differentiate between self space and
general space and be able to choose
appropriate space for activity.
2) Visually discriminate, judge, and control
where one's body is in space: travel in and
recognize three different pathways.
3) Visually discriminate, judge, and control
what of the body is moving; modulate
energy levels in the body and movement
through space.
4) Follow directions, and respond to
movement cues.
5) Recognize different levels of tension in
the muscles.
6) Use changes in tension flow to control
body movement.
Pathway drawing on butcher paper
o Move three pathways though
o Combine pathways with
different loco motor movement
and body shape
o Freeze and go with pathways
o Scooter pathways
o Secret pathway: in groups of
two students get a pathway
card and practice making their
pathway and moving it with a
beaded jump rope. Perform for
class. Other students try to
guess the pathway.
Energy zones:
o Move from high, medium, calm.
o Draw different energy on
butcher paper.
o Fish gobbler
Grounding in a stretch cloth
Draw pathways, teacher
observation, secret pathway as
performance assessment, pathway
and pathway goose (two students
get pathway cards and perform the
pathway in different areas for the
class to guess).FITNESS CONCEPTS
How am I keeping my body healthy and
Cardiovascular exercise, strength exercise,
and flexibility exercise
Take a walk Tuesday
1) Develop a healthy lifestyle which
includes at least an hour of physical activity
a day.
2) Identify and perform the three kinds of
physical fitness exercises.
3) Promote healthy physical development.
4) Develop socialization skills
o Monster Mash dance
o Haunted pumpkin patch tag
o Jumping tag
o Jack Frost tag
o Walking
o Scooter pathways
o Row your boat (YK)
o Walking Turtle
o Moo/meow
o Student created
Turn and talk about 3 kinds of
fitness and student demonstration
of different kinds of fitness
Integrating pathways and other elements
of space with loco motor movement.
1) Combine loco motor movements with
pathways and other spatial elements.
2) Continue practicing locomotor patterns.
Pathway/ loco motor stations
o Alligator crawl in straight
o Sliding in 3 pathways
o Skipping, galloping in 3
o Jumping, hopping in different
Teacher observation.
Meditation/ guided relaxation - parachute
activities - breathing/energy modulation
1) Develop and use self settling/calming
2) Recognize muscle tension
3) Develop inner focus, concentration, selfcontrol,
and body awareness
4) Experience physical and mental
recuperation after exertion.
o Balloon imagery
o Color imagery
o Body scan
Abdominal breathing
o Hot air balloons
Student choice of previously
introduced relaxation strategy.
Teacher observation and drawing
How are we preparing our bodies and our
minds for movement and learning?
Introduce rules and routines
1) Become familiar with and participate in
opening rituals.
2) Prepare body for movement and learning.
3) Connect with body, teacher, classmates
and space.
Connection Circle (Yoga Kids,
Ready Bodies, Ready Minds)
Movement Sharing
Getting Ready To Learn Routine
(PACE from Brain Gym)
Turkey dance
Visual observation of participation
level.Where is my movement space?
Levels: high, medium, low
Directions: up, down, front, back,
right, left
Review: pathways, kinesphere
Am I aware of my body?
Review: energy modulation
Review basic body shapes: ball,
wall, pin, screw
How can I be part of a dance
"Nutcracker" dances: Tea,
Chocolate, Candy Canes,
Role of the audience
Performance etiquette
Motor planning
1) Differentiate and demonstrate moving
with high, medium and low levels.
2) Differentiate and demonstrate moving in
different directions: up, down, front, back,
left, right.
3) Apply knowledge of pathways and
kinesphere to movement tasks
4) Connect vocabulary to space ideas
5) Apply knowledge of energy modulation
and body shape to movement tasks
6) Connect vocabulary to body awareness
7) Follow directions
8) Repeat and memorize choreography
9) Respond with appropriate movement to
music cues
10) Maintains composure while on stage
11) Demonstrates respectful behavior and
impulse control while performing and in the
Intro levels by drawing on white
board and making static shapes in
different levels
Freeze and go through space with
levels, pathways and locomotor
Monsters and Mice dance (rhythms
on parade)
Artist in clay emphasizing levels:
One student in a body sock is the
clay; the other molds the partner
into a statue.
"Turkey dance" emphasizing
Learn and practice Russian dance
from "Nutcracker".
Learn and practice Gingerbread
dance from "Nutcracker"
Practice being in an audience
Perform for an audience
Performance assessment (partners
write down level and pathway and
perform for the class), treasure
maps (make areas- forest, lake,
mountains, bridge, etc.), students
draw pathways between areas and
perform their maps and teacher
How am I keeping my body healthy and
Cardiovascular exercise,
strength exercise, and flexibility exercise.
Take a walk Thursday - walking safely,
1) Develop a healthy lifestyle which
includes at least an hour of physical activity
a day.
2) Identify and perform the three kinds of
physical fitness exercises.
3) Promote healthy physical development.
4) Walk safely.
5) Build up endurance.
o Wind sprints with partner
o Turkey Dance
o Winter tag- snowflake freezes
with bound tension, sunshine
melts with floppy tension,
winter spirit turns tension back
to free flow
o 5 noses
o Tag
o Walk
o Human obstacle course
o Row your boat
o Freeze and go with different
fitness exercises
o Polar bear
o Student created
Turn and talk about 3 kinds of
fitness and student demonstration
of different kinds of fitness
Loco motor movement patterns: skipping,
galloping, sliding, jumping, hopping,
leaping, running, and walking.
Non-loco motor movement: bending,
stretching, twisting, turning, growing,
shrinking, and swinging.
Perform and differentiate 8 different loco
motor movement patters and different nonloco
motor movements.
Sliding/scooting stations Teacher observation.
Mediation/ guided relaxation, parachute
activities, breathing/energy modulation.
1) Develop and use self settling/calming
2) Recognize muscle tension.
3) Develop inner focus, concentration, selfcontrol,
and body awareness.
4) Experience physical and mental
recuperation after exertion.
Abdominal breathing, body scan
Student choice of previously
relaxation strategy
Stretch and relax
Teacher observation and drawing
How are we preparing our bodies and our
minds for movement and learning?
1) Perform opening ritual.
2) Prepare body for movement and learning.
3) Connect with body, teacher, classmates
and space.
Connection Circle (Yoga Kids, Ready
Bodies, Ready Minds)
Movement Sharing
Getting Ready To Learn Routine
(PACE from Brain Gym)
Visual observation of participation
level.How am I moving?
Effort Concepts: Direct vs. indirect
approach to space, strong vs. light
approach to weight
How can I move with others?
Partners, groups, whole class
1) Alternate between multi-focus and single
2) Differentiate between and recognize
strong and light movements.
3) Move with strong and light weight.
4) Work cooperatively with others
5) Attune to others through movement
We all stop together (Kornblume)
Watch the Changing Leader
Monsters and Mice
Visualization/Imagining heavy or
light objects -Drums and Shakers
teams moving with either strong or
Imitating sports movements both
strong and light
Scrambled eggs
Front to front/back to back
Group/partner balance
Performance assessment (show the
same movement both strong and
light) and teacher observation.FITNESS CONCEPTS
How am I keeping my body healthy and
Cardiovascular exercise, strength exercise,
and flexibility exercise.
1) Develop a healthy lifestyle which
includes at least an hour of physical activity
a day.
2) Identify and perform the three kinds of
physical fitness exercises.
3) Promote healthy physical development.
o Splish Splash dance
o Here, there, where
o Jumping and running stations
o Rock around the clock dance
o Animal walks
o Balancing and weight shifting
(balance on different bases)
o Scooter trains (experiencing
strong weight through push/
pull pattern)
o Intro plough
o Teapot
o Other Yoga Kids stretches
o Student created stretches
o Dr. Feelgood
Turn and talk about 3 kinds of
fitness, student demonstration of
different kinds of fitness activities
and fitness collages
Balance, hand-eye coordination, ball
manipulating, rolling a ball.
1) Follow an object with the eyes.
2) Roll a ball accurately to a partner.
3) Toss and catch light weight object to self
while maintaining eye tracking.
Handling a ball/ rolling it around the
body in different ways.
Rolling a ball with a partner/group.
Tossing and catching with a
Mediation/ guided relaxation, parachute
activities, breathing/energy modulation.
1) Develop and use self settling/calming
2) Recognize muscle tension.
3) Develop inner focus, concentration, selfcontrol,
and body awareness.
4) Experience physical and mental
recuperation after exertion.
Diamond meditation
Abdominal breathing
Student choice of previously
introduced relaxation strategy
Teacher observation and drawing
How are we preparing our bodies and our
minds for movement and learning?
1) Perform opening ritual.
2) Prepare body for movement and learning.
3) Connect with body, teacher, classmates
and space.
Connection Circle (Yoga Kids, Ready
Bodies, Ready Minds)
Movement Sharing
Getting Ready To Learn Routine
(PACE from Brain Gym)
Visual observation of participation
level.How am I moving in space?
Clockwise/ counterclockwise.
How am I moving? How am I feeling?
Effort Concepts: fast vs. slow
approach to time, combining different
efforts for full effort actions,
movement stories.
How can I move with others?
Movement stories with partner. -
partner balance
1) Differentiate verbally and physically
between moving in a clockwise direction
and counterclockwise direction.
2) Compare and analyze movement related
to time.
3) Combine different qualities of movement
to produce meaningful movement phrases.
4) Plan movement phrases with a clear
beginning, middle and end with partner.
Rock Around the Clock dance
Fast and Slow dance (Rhythms on
Red, Yellow, Green tag
Wolves and Rabbits
Create movement stories in partners
Rollercoaster song (rhythms on
Ghosts poem
Outer Space movement story
Animal movement cards
Students will respond with correct
direction when teacher gives cue,
performance assessment (play
"how am I moving?" Student
responds with movement and
effort and then performs them
together, i.e. skip-light) and
teacher observation.FITNESS CONCEPTS
How am I keeping my body healthy and
Cardiovascular exercise, strength exercise
for different muscle groups: upper body,
lower body, abdomen, flexibility exercise
1) Develop a healthy lifestyle which
includes at least an hour of physical activity
a day.
2) Identify and perform the three kinds of
physical fitness exercises
3) Promote healthy physical development
o Red, yellow, green tag
o Animal cards
o Intro concept of pulse
o Animal walks
o Balancing and weight shifting
(balance on different bases)
o Curl-ups
o Plank position (lizard YK)
o Stand-up sit down
o Intro bubble fish
o Other Yoga Kids stretches
Student created stretches.
Turn and talk about 3 kinds of
fitness, student demonstration of
different kinds of fitness activities
and physical fitness collage
Balance, hand-eye coordination, tossing at
a target, underhand throw.
1) Engage muscles in order to hold a static
balance, maintain balance on different
2) Demonstrate correct underhand throw
including stepping on opposite and
scooping motion.
Storks in a circle
Animal card activity
Transition balances
Gator bait
Birthday cake
Wishing wells
Teacher observation and peer
Mediation/ guided relaxation, parachute
activities, breathing/energy modulation.
1) Develop and use self settling/calming
2) Recognize muscle tension.
3) Develop inner focus, concentration, selfcontrol,
and body awareness.
4) Experience physical and mental
recuperation after exertion.
Diamond meditation
Abdominal breathing
Student choice of previously
introduced relaxation strategy
4 C's with candle
Parachute: submarines under the
Teacher observation and drawing
How are we preparing our bodies and our
minds for movement and learning?
1) Perform opening ritual.
2) Prepare body for movement and learning.
Connection Circle (Yoga Kids, Ready
Bodies, Ready Minds)
Movement Sharing
Visual observation of participation
level and student warm-up leaders
will be assessed.
3) Connect with body, teacher, classmates
and space.
Getting Ready To Learn Routine
(PACE from Brain Gym)
Rockin' Robin danceHow am I moving? How am I feeling?
Effort Concepts: combining, blending,
and breaking down efforts
Connecting efforts and feelings.
(i.e. -strong weight expresses angry
Who am I moving with?
Moving in relationship to others
Same and different
Group statues and group shapes
Give and take
Partner balance
Push and pull
What am I moving with?
Bean bags
1) Creating meaningful movement though
connecting feeling states with
2) Attuning to others
3) Developing empathy
4) Cooperating with others
5) Taking turns and being patient
6) Practicing problem solving skills
7) Giving up control
8) Manipulating equipment in a safe way
9) Respecting equipment
10) Developing creativity effort qualities.
Feeling statues, group feeling statues
Combining feelings and efforts
through creative movement, i.e. move
like an angry bear, move like a happy
Frozen bean bag challenge
Front to front/ back to back balancing
Frozen bridge tag
Puppet master
Animal babies
Twins tag
Give and take balancing and pushing
Follow the changing leader
Bean balancing
Use your noodles
Students will respond with correct
when teacher gives cue, share
group feeling statues, teacher
observation and telling who is the
giver and the taker of weight.
How am I keeping my body healthy and
Cardiovascular exercise strength exercise,
flexibility exercise.
1) Develop a healthy lifestyle which
includes at least an hour of physical activity
a day.
2) Identify and perform the three kinds of
physical fitness exercises
3) Promote healthy physical development.
o Rockin' Robin dance
o Frozen bridge tag
o Scrambled eggs
o Lizard soccer
o Animal high 5's
o Frozen bean bag challenge
o Partner stretches
Turn and talk about 3 kinds of
fitness and student demonstration
of different kinds of fitness
Balance, hand-eye coordination, tossing at
a target, throwing and catching with
partner, eye contact.
1) Engage muscles in order to hold a static
balance, maintain balance on different
Sink the lily pad
Wishing wells
Swamp walkers
Teacher observation and peer
2) Demonstrate correct underhand throw
including stepping on opposite and
scooping motion.
3) Track object with eyes and catch making
a basket with hands.
Around the world
Mediation/ guided relaxation, parachute
activities, breathing/energy modulation.
1) Develop an understanding and be able to
describe the differences in mind and body
between the eyes being open and eyes being
2) Develop and use self settling/calming
3) Recognize muscle tension.
4) Develop inner focus, concentration, selfcontrol,
and body awareness.
5) Experience physical and mental
recuperation after exertion.
o Peace Garden
o Draw images
Relaxation strategy
o 4 C's
o Shavasana
o Tai-chi routine
Teacher observation, explain
visualizations, teacher observation
of stillness and teacher
observation of movement phrase
and pace.
How are we preparing our bodies and our
minds for movement and learning?
1) Perform opening ritual.
2) Prepare body for movement and learning.
3) Connect with body, teacher, classmates
and space.
Connection Circle (Yoga Kids, Ready
Bodies, Ready Minds)
Movement sharing
Getting Ready To Learn Routine
(PACE from Brain Gym)
Wipeout dance for summer
Visual observation of participation
level and student warm-up leaders
Where am I in Space?
The combination of and blending of
previously learned space elements
What is moving in my body? Am I aware
of my body?
Body/Mind connection: verbal
movement descriptions, movement
Apply knowledge of elements of space
through combining pathways, levels, and
kinesphere into multi-dimensional
1) Describe movement verbally
2) Match one's movement to verbal
3) Explore and practice non-locomotor
Fish gobbler
Space soup: combine elements of
space using space cards
Create your own animal project
Pretend you are telling my mom in
DC how to make a statue with us over
the telephone: whole group and small
Create your own animal
performance , teacher
observation, students identify
joint. Perform partner nonlocomotor
movements and student
created rhythms.
Non-locomotor movement: parts and
whole, bending/ stretching, twisting/
turning, rocking/ rolling.
What are joints? How do they help us
What is rhythm?
Even and uneven rhythms
Skipping rhythm, galloping rhythm,
sliding rhythm
Auditory discrimination
4) Identify joints and demonstrate how
joints move. Explain how joints help our
bodies move.
1) Recognize and distinguish between
different rhythmic patterns
2) Adapt body movement to fit rhythmic
3) Create a rhythmic pattern and repeat
others' rhythmic patterns
4) Count the beats of a rhythm
Talk about joints that help us move
Silly bend/stretch, twist/ turn walks
Freeze and go with non-locomotor
Practice non-locomotor movements
with a partner
Rhythm sharing in a circle with
different parts of the body
o Rhythms we can hear and/or
o Students lead different
o Talk about even/ uneven
o Play three different rhythms
o Sliding, skipping,
o 2 loud beats mean
o 8 counts marching in
self space as a
o Move through space to a
rhythmic beat
o Students take turns playing
rhythms for the class on
percussion instruments
How am I keeping my body healthy and
Cardiovascular exercise, strength exercise,
flexibility exercise.
Take a walk Thursday.
1) Develop a healthy lifestyle which
includes at least an hour of physical activity
a day.
2) Identify and perform the three kinds of
physical fitness exercises.
3) Promote healthy physical development.
4) Walk safely; build endurance
o Wipeout dance
o Fish gobbler
o Noodles-jumping
o Bicycle
o Horse
o Leap over
o Tortoise and hare
o Exercise with noodles
o Bicep curls
o Shoulder press
Turn and talk about 3 kinds of
fitness. and student demonstration
of different kinds of fitness
Grade 1 Physical Education
Namaste Charter School
o Rowing
o Lunges
o Triceps dips
Creative movements
o Jack-in the Box
o Inch worm
o Swimmer
o Apple Picking
Partner Stretches
Review locomotor skills: skipping,
galloping, sliding, striking and volleying.
Gymnastic skills: hotdog roll, egg roll,
weeble-wobble rolls, balance and
1) Practice skipping, galloping and sliding
2) Strike a balloon with a paddle
3) Hit a ball back and forth between two
4) Perform three different kinds of rolls
5) Use body control in order to stay on the
6) Cooperate with a partner to spot and
assist with rolling skill
7) Explore gymnastic balances and
Three wizards tag-each wizard
represents a different locomotor
Striking/ volleying stations with
balloons: volleyball, tennis, soccer,
hit balloon through a hoop
Teacher observation and peer
Mediation/ guided relaxation, parachute
activities, breathing/energy modulation.
1) Develop an understanding and be able to
describe the differences in mind and body
between the eyes being open and eyes being
2) Develop and use self settling/calming
3) Recognize muscle tension.
4) Develop inner focus, concentration, selfcontrol,
and body awareness.
4) Experience physical and mental
recuperation after exertion.
Breathe with the rain stick
Make a wave
Relaxation strategy
4 C's
Tai-chi routine
Teacher observation, explain
visualizations and teacher
observation of stillness, movement
phrase and pace.WARM-UP
How are we preparing our bodies and our
minds for movement and learning?
1) Perform opening ritual.
2) Prepare body for movement and learning.
3) Connect with body, teacher, classmates
and space.
Connection Circle (Yoga Kids, Ready
Bodies, Ready Minds)
Movement Sharing with rhythm
Getting Ready To Learn Routine
(PACE from Brain Gym)
Visual observation of participation
level and student warm-up leaders
will be assessed.
What is moving in my body? Am I aware
of my body?
Shapes: pin, wall, ball, screw- mixed
Motor planning with rhythm
What is rhythm? (Continue from May)
Even and uneven rhythms
Auditory discrimination
How am I moving? Effort quality
Strong/ Light
Tension/ free flow
How am I moving with others?
Creating movement with others
1) Combine basic body shapes with rhythm.
2) Plan body shapes to match number of
beats in the rhythm.
3) Move in time to a rhythmic beat.
4) Recognize and distinguish between
different rhythmic patterns.
5) Adapt body movement to fit rhythmic
6) Create a rhythmic pattern and repeat
others' rhythmic patterns.
7) Count the beats of a rhythm.
8) Apply different efforts to rhythmic beats.
9) Recognize and interpret the quality of the
10) Use positive problem solving to create
movement with others.
Shape Transformers
Rhythm shape story
Rhythm conversation with percussion
Move through space with skipping
rhythm, galloping, sliding, 2 loud
beats mean freeze and 8 counts
marching in self space as a transition
Movement sharing emphasizing
rhythm of movement
Charlie Brown Dance (fast tempo/
slow tempo)
Acceleration trains/ magic toy shop
"Peter and the Wolf"
Red, yellow, green tag emphasizing
acceleration/ deceleration
Tempos across the floor
Teacher observation, invite
classroom teachers to watch,
perform rhythm shape story,
student created rhythms and
student created movements
verbally stating quality of
How am I keeping my body healthy and
Cardiovascular exercise, strength exercise,
flexibility exercise.
1) Develop a healthy lifestyle which
includes at least an hour of physical activity
a day.
2) Identify and perform the three kinds of
physical fitness exercises.
o Superhero fitness tag
o Red, Yellow, Green tag
o Flip it
o Wipeout dance
Turn and talk about 3 kinds of
fitness, student demonstration of
different kinds of fitness activities
and superhero tag as performance
Grade 1 Physical EducationTake a walk Thursday.
3) Promote healthy physical development.
4) Walk safely, build endurance.
o Superhero tag
o Creative movement (toys)
o Strength stations
o Teapot (YK)
o Birthday candle
o Creative stretches
Gymnastic skills: foreword roll, cartwheel,
balance and flexibility.
1) Perform three different kinds of rolls
2) Use body control in order to stay on the
3) Cooperate with a partner to spot and
assist with rolling skill.
4) Explore gymnastic balances and
Hotdog and hamburger rolls
Practice forward rolls
Skills stations
Teacher observation and peer
Mediation/ guided relaxation, parachute
activities, breathing/energy modulation.
1) Develop an understanding and be able to
describe the differences in mind and body
between the eyes being open and eyes being
2) Develop and use self settling/calming
3) Recognize muscle tension.
4) Develop inner focus, concentration, selfcontrol,
and body awareness.
5) Experience physical and mental
recuperation after exertion.
o Sinking into a pillow
o Marshmallow
o Filling up with water
Relaxation strategy
o 4 C's
o Shavasana
o Tai-chi routine
o Breathe with rain stick
Teacher observation, explain
visualizations and teacher
observation of stillness, movement
phrase and pace.