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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Reading/Writing
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Duration: 50 mins.
Unit: Invisible TheatreLesson Focus: Tapping into real life situations
To investigate real life situations using the medium of invisible theatre.
To explore the various ways situations play out in "real life".
To develop understanding and compassion for the way people feel about certain issues.
To reflect on information learned, and use this to enhance both performance and life skills.
To enable students to expand their warehouse of problem solving techniques and become more aware of the world around them, thus helping them to gain a better understanding of their place in it.
Get students to grab a chair and bring them into a semi circle. Take attendance. Explain outline of what we are going to be doing.
21: Ask students to form a circle. Let them know that this drama activity is called 21. Explain that one person will start by moving forward a step and saying 'one', someone else (not the person next to them) says 'two'. . ... It keeps going until two people speak at once and then it starts again. The aim of the activity is to sense into the group and feel when it might be right to say the next number; the aim therefore is to reach 21.
Let the students know that with invisible theatre it is very important that each actor is able to feel into each other. It takes trust and well formed group dynamics to be able to pull off the task.
Introduce the concept of invisible theatre. Explain briefly who Boal is and the purpose of invisible theatre.
Explain that we are about to set up three scenarios. We are going to involve three staff members without their knowledge of the fact that we are 'actors'(make sure you chose individuals who wouldn't mind this type of activity)
The scenarios have to be believable and everyone must be involved in some way.
On student will hurt her wrist. On staff member will then be fetched to help her. The group will have to work well together to complete the scenario without the staff member suspecting 'acting'. To be fair to the staff involved, as soon as this criterion is met. The action will be called to a close and the staff member let in on the scenario. This is not usually what would happen in invisible theatre, as it is meant to leave people thinking about the issues that have been raised.
If this scenario is achieved successfully. We will have a scenario of a disagreement that has left one of our 'actors' hurt. Another staff member will be asked to help in this scenario.
If this scenario is achieved, then we will take it to its final level of what would happen if two students were having a loud disagreement in class and was disrespecting staff and other students.
At each stage look at what is working and what is not working so the actors can gain more confidence in these skills.
On completion of this task ask students how these scenarios affected their staff. Write up answers and if not mentioned remind them that when we have disagreements with each other, or when things aren't as they should be, more people are affected then we think. We need to be at all times considerate of other people.
Remind students that as actors, they should always be watching the actions of others and learning from it. The expressions, stances, words, feelings and actions could help them understand their next character!
Reflection Notes:
Make journal notes about what you learned from today's lesson.
In reflection, today I did not prepare the students enough for what invisible theatre was all about. I should have discussed why we used the scenarios that we did before hand. This would have helped them respect other staff and students more. The excitement of what they were doing caused them to be loud and disruptive on the conclusion of several of their tasks. Having done today's lesson, I am not convinced that our invisible theatre on the buses would be a good idea. Only three students would be ready for such a task.