Grade: Elementary
Subject: 4 Blocks

#3867. Lines, Lines, Everywhere

, level: Elementary
Posted Sat Jan 6 15:07:56 PST 2007 by Y. Wylie (
W.L. Elementary, Louisville, USA
Materials Required: chart paper, chart markers, Book: Where the Wild Things Are, student art journals, pencils
Activity Time: 60 minutes
Concepts Taught: Visual Art Elements: Line

1. Students will learn about a variety of lines.
2. Students will learn how lines are used in artwork.
3. In their art journal, students will create a picture and a frame that incorporates a variety of lines

National Content Standard 2: Using knowledge of structures and functions
Students know the differences among visual characteristics and purposes of art in order to convey ideas

National Content Standard 2
Students describe how different expressive features and organizational principles cause different responses
Content Standard 5: Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of other

National Content Standard 1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
Students use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories

Activate Prior Knowledge
Ask: "Have you ever seen a car moving down the road?"
"How does it move?"
Make a list (Spatial learner) of student responses (revisit later)

Read: Where the Wild Things Are
Discuss (Verbal/Linguistic learner) the different lines the students see in the book

Show the video clip from Posie Paints on the art element line. (15 min.)
Have the students recall the various types of lines that were presented in the video. Record the names of the various forms of lines on chart paper.

Revisit the list of vocabulary generated from the students when asked about a moving car. Edit list.

Introduce the Art
If a computer is available, have students take an art gallery web tour to view two pieces of art.

Have the students to identify lines in the works of art and the environment.
Ask the students to think about why the artists named their pieces what they did? Discuss

Practice (Intrapersonal learner)
On a scrap sheet of paper, have students practice making different types of lines.

Creative Expression (spatial learner)
In their art journal, students will use pencil to draw a picture then create a frame using a variety of lines. On an index card students will describe in writing the types of lines that were used to create their drawings. Attach index card to the back of the drawing in the journal.

Celebrate (Interpersonal learner)
Give students an opportunity to share their drawings with their peers.

Objective 1 and 2: Informal-group discussion
Objective 3: formal- art journal

Extension: Using a variety of lines students make a monster mask.