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Grade: all
Subject: Special Ed
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Daily Lesson Plan
________Mr. Popper's Penguins________
(Title of Lesson)Teacher Name: April Christopher___
Subject: Reading / ELA__ Class Periods: _5th grade_ Date(s): _January 22, 2007_
Daily Review:
X Prior Learning
X Objective
X Thinking Skills
0 _________
Academic Objectives:The students will use their prior knowledge, along with what we have learned in class and read from the book Mr. Popper's Penguins to choose a research topic from a generated list. Students will work individually to research and organize their ideas from books and the internet in order to brainstorm, organize, and write a research paper. Standard(s):
5-W1.1: Chose a topic, generate ideas, and use prewriting strategies.
5-W1.3: Develop an extended response around a central idea, using relevant supporting details.
5-W1.6.4: Begin writing reports
5-RS2.1: Use a variety of resources, including technology, to access information.
5-RS2.2: Gather & organize info. from a variety of sources, including those accessed through the use of technology Lesson Introduction: The class will brainstorm ideas and make a list of subjects or topics that would be appropriate to research. The ideas must coincide with the subjects in the book Mr. Popper's Penguins. Such ideas may include: Arctic/Antarctic regions, various species of penguins, North/South Poles, famous explorers, expeditions, etc. After the list is made, each student will choose a topic to research and write about. The students will write their topic on a sheet of notebook paper and create at least five (5) questions they can use to guide their research. They should also write these five questions down on their paper. Once all students have their ideas organized, the class will go to the computer lab and research these topics. The teacher will provide a list of various websites that may be useful in the research. Students may use these sites, or search to find others on their own. The students' reports will be five paragraphs and will be graded using a rubric that will be shared with the class before beginning the writing process.
Instructional Process (Place Internet activity within lesson structure.)
The students will use these sites to guide their research. They will be expected to take notes and copy down important, relevant information. Some pages may be printed, depending on information or picture provided.
Activity #1: http://www.kidzone.ws/animals/penguins/facts.htm Notes: Penguin facts, pictures, VERY informative!
Activity #2: http://www.siec.k12.in.us/~west/proj/penguins/main.html Notes: Habitats, quizzes, slideshows
Activity #3: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/kids/creature_feature/0101/penguins.html Notes: Emperor penguins
Activity #4: http://www.cityofportsmouth.com/School/dondero/msm/bird/typesofp.html Notes: Types of penguins -- Lots!
Activity #5: http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/penguins/swf/types.html Notes: 17 penguin species Homework or extension activity: Students are expected to complete each stage of the writing process as it is assigned in class. If a student does not complete a certain stage, it automatically becomes homework for that given night. Each day the teacher will model the next step of the writing process, and the students will use their resources to complete the stage independently.
Assessment/Reflection: (Strategy/Result) Students will be graded using a mock PACT writing rubric. All reports must be five paragraphs, be written using complete sentences, include accurate information, give detail and insight into the topic, etc.
Targeted Practices (Check and make notes as desired.)
X Assessment: Five paragraph reports will be graded based on a mock PACT rubric
X Cooperative Learning: brainstorming, generating ideas as a class
X Learning Styles: reading, writing, creativity, choice, technology
0 Multiple IntelligencesX Technology/Internet: student chooses a topic to research and write about
X Cross Curricula Lesson ( Subjects: Reading- Mr. Popper's Penguins & ELA)
0 Other _______________________________________