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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Science
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Daily Lesson Plan
S.C. Ecosystems
(Title of Lesson)Teacher Name: Kevin Gilstrap
Subject: Science Class Periods: 1-4 Date(s): 01-10-2007
Daily Review:
0 Prior Learning
0 Objective
0 Thinking Skills
0 _________
Academic Objectives:
Identify three types of water ecosystems.
Identify two types of terrestrial ecosystems. Standard(s):
5-2.3 Compare the characteristics of different ecosystems (including estuaries/salt marshes, oceans, lakes and ponds, forests, and grasslands)
Lesson Introduction: In today's lesson we will be researching the different types of ecosystems we have inside the state of South Carolina. Our state is a very diverse area when it comes to our natural surroundings. The students will be utilizing the internet today as well as other resources to help them identify the different ecosystems that we have here in the state of south Carolina. Through this activity the students will gain a better understanding of their own local environment. This may also give the students more of a sense of pride about their own home state as well. Instructional Process (Place Internet activity within lesson structure.)
Activity #1: The first activity the students will be working with will be to list out the different ecosystems, both terrestrial and aquatic, that we have here in south Carolina. Notes: Some students may need a little extra help in having a complete list.
Activity #2: After the students complete their lists they will be divided into groups for the remainder of the activities. Students will be grouped by random counting: 1,2,3,1,2,3. . .. . . Notes: Even with random grouping you may see the need to adjust the group to take preventative measures for possible discipline problems.
Activity #3: The students will rotate in groups with two groups working at the computers at a time. The website the kids will be using to further their research will be www.knowitall.org/sclife/ This website is a good source of information for all the students projects. Notes: Some students may need help typing in the correct web address.
Activity #4: After the students collect the data they need from this website they will go back to their group work area and design their own display on poster board or large construction paper. This display will illustrate a map of south Carolina with inserts showing which area of the state contain which ecosystems. These inserts will also give a list if at least 3 facts for each ecosystem. Notes: These inserts will also give a list if at least 3 facts for each ecosystem. Homework or extension activity: This lesson could easily be extended by having the students try the same procedures for a different state or even another country that they may be interested in.
Assessment/Reflection: (Strategy/Result) The material needs to reflect appropriate answers that the students will derive from the website. The displays will also be graded as to how well the students aligned the insert areas with their actual location on the map. After the students have completed all of the assignment correctly the models could be displayed in the classroom or even the hallway in the school.Targeted Practices (Check and make notes as desired.)
0 Assessment0 Cooperative Learning
0 Learning Styles
0 Multiple Intelligences
0 Technology/Internet
0 Cross Curricula Lesson ( Subjects: Social Studies )
0 Other _______________________________________