Grade: Elementary
Subject: Language

#3934. Prepositions Song

Language, level: Elementary
Posted Mon Mar 5 17:37:55 PST 2007 by Meghan Webb (
Activity Time: 10-15 minutes
Concepts Taught: Prepositions

Prepositions Song

Sung to the tune: "Battle Hymn of Republic"

Aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, as, before, at, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, but and by, don't forget despite!

Prepositions come in phrases.
Phrases always end in objects.
Prepositions never work alone,
Or they are called adverbs!

Down, during, except, inside, for, from, and in, like, near, inside, of, off, into, on, out, over, past, outside, round, since, and through, don't forget despite!

Prepositions come in phrases.
Phrases always end in objects.
Prepositions never work alone,
Or they are called adverbs!

Throughout, till, to, towards, with, underneath, up, until, under, upon, without, within, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, and beyond, don't forget despite!

Prepositions come in phrases.
Phrases always end in objects.
Prepositions never work alone,
Or they are called adverbs!