Grade: Middle
Subject: Science

#3939. Design me a Rollercoaster please

Science, level: Middle
Posted Thu Mar 8 10:14:51 PST 2007 by Tim Mangiaracina (
MS88, Brooklyn, NY USA
Materials Required: 3 pieces pipe insulation, 2 marbles, duct tape, post its
Activity Time: 1 45 minute period
Concepts Taught: creating a model of a rollercoaster and labelling the types of forces created.

Design me a Roller Coaster Please.


• Students will work in teams to design and construct a part of a rollercoaster.
• Marbles will be used to test their designs.
• Using labels, students will explain the physical concepts at work in their rollercoaster ride and trace the flow of energy.

Foam pipe insulation halves
Duct tape
Post its to label parts
Paper and pencil to design


1. On tracing paper, confer with group, and design a rollercoaster which shows the following attributes.

Energy Kinetic Energy Potential energy
Gravitational Potential Energy Centrifugal force
2. Using the room, walls tables, floors: create your design using the pipe insulation and tape to connect it together.
3. Test your rollercoaster with marbles, the marbles must stay in the track from start to finish.
4. Label with post its, all 5 forms of energy where they are present in your rollercoaster.
5. Groups will share their work by presenting completed rollercoasters to either entire class or teacher
6. Time is important, we only have 1 period to build and present the rollercoaster.


1. Explain the difference between potential and kinetic energy.

2. What changes did you have to make between the original design of your rollercoaster and the final working model?

3. Rollercoasters run mostly off of potential energy and just use power or a boost to start them off. Design and draw a coaster that runs like this with 2 loops in it.

Cover letter

Your group has just been hired to replace the last group who got fired for stealing. The following letter arrived at your company this morning:

We at 6 flags have been extremely happy with your company's designs. Nitro, Medusa, Batman, and Superman have all been a huge success! Our roller coasters are what attracts thousands and thousands of people to our park each day. Today, I present you with a new challenge. We have a new area of property that is perfect for a new rollercoaster. Price is no object.
Here is your task:

1. On tracing paper, confer with group, and design a rollercoaster which shows the following attributes.

Energy Kinetic Energy Potential energy
Gravitational Potential Energy Centrifugal force
2. Using the room, walls tables, floors: create your design using the pipe insulation and tape to connect it together.
3. Test your rollercoaster with marbles, the marbles must stay in the track from start to finish.
4. Label with post its, all 5 forms of energy where they are present in your rollercoaster.
5. Groups will share their work by presenting completed rollercoasters to either entire class or teacher
6. Time is important, we only have 1 period to build and present the