Grade: all
Subject: other

#394. D.E.A.D

other, level: all
Posted Mon Apr 13 18:11:31 PDT 1998 by Steven Oberlander (
Neal Dow Elementary School, Chico, CA USA
Materials Required: music and music player
Activity Time: any time of the day
Concepts Taught: music, movement, mental break

You've heard of D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read). You've heard of D.E.A.W. (Drop Everything And Write).
Well I've come up with D.E.A.D (that's right, Drop Everything And Dance) When my kids are having a hard day, or
they just deserve a quick break, I will, without notice, turn on my CD player and yell out, "It's time for
DEAD!" The students drop whatever it is they are doing and dance about the room. I will usually do this
for no more than a minute or two. They have been trained to return to their seats when the music stops. The
first table group who is back at their seats working after DEAD time is rewarded. The students know that the
more they stick to the rules of DEAD time, the more opportunities they will get to participate in it. My
students LOVE this!