Grade: Senior
Subject: Language

#4015. Caja de Kleenex

Language, level: Senior
Posted Thu May 24 10:08:59 PDT 2007 by Sarah Cowper (
Marina High School, Huntington Beach, USA
Materials Required: Tissue box, internet, vocabulary, health standards
Activity Time: Duration of 2 weeks
Concepts Taught: Health vocabulary, imperfect progressive

TOPIC: Students will learn health related vocabulary in Spanish through the studying of a specific infirmity. Students will also make connections and reflect upon healthy lifestyles directly related to disease prevention, treatment, and cures.
LENGTH OF LESSON: The initial introduction will be one class period; however, students will be given 2 weeks outside of the classroom to complete their project.

Health Standards

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention.

Standard 2: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health-promoting products and services.

Standard 5:
Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health.

Spanish Standards:
Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
Students will practice health related vocabulary and grammar specific to chapter.
Students will research a chosen infirmity.
Students will create a "Caja de Informacion" (See attached).
Students will present their findings to the class.

Anticipatory set:
Students will be introduced to the concept of health as they begin chapter 9: ¿Tuviste un Accidente? (Did you have an Accident?) This chapter is based on communication regarding health.

1. Class discussion on the 5 objectives for this chapter.
2. I will ask the students a series of questions in Spanish relating to the health vocabulary.
¿Cuántas personas tienen alergias?
¿Cuántas personas se rompieron (a part of the body)?
¿Cuántas personas no se sienten bien?
¿Qué son los síntomas de la gripe?
¿Qué se puede hacer para protegerse de las enfermedades?
3. We will play "Simon dice. . .." (Simon says) to review the parts of the body that they learned in Spanish I.

Lesson: Since the whole chapter is based on health the students will be learning different grammar constructions and vocabulary that would aid them in a medical emergency situation where communicating one self in Spanish would be greatly needed. In this lesson students will be researching an infirmity and creating a box of information about that disease. The lesson will take place over a series of class periods.

1.) Students will be given a rubric (see attached) that explains the importance of studying health.
2.) Students will be given one class period in the computer lab to research the disease according to the rubric.
3.) Students will be given 30 minutes of class time to work on constructing their "Caja de Informacion" utilizing a tissue box.
4.) Students will be given 30 minutes in class to work on their essays that will be attached to the box. The essays are a corporation of the vocabulary and grammar learned in this chapter.
5.) Students will present their boxes to the class in a carousel/merry-go-round fashion that will allow all students to present to each other without losing class time. As students are sharing I will be giving them an oral grade based on their presentation.

Students will be evaluated according to the rubric that is attached concerning the "Caja de Informacion."

The lesson will be closed with the presenting of the "Cajas de Informacion" to all students.