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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Social Studies
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Unit by Kristin P. Porter
Hagood Elementary @ Pickens County Schools
Cause and Effect
War Affects SocietyIntroduction
This 4th grade Social Studies 4- week unit focuses on the concept of cause and effect and how it relates war and it's effect on society. Through discussion, the students will study the Civil War through the lens of " How war affects our society" economically, politically, geographically and our everyday living. Activities of research and inquiry will illuminate the concept that war has an affect on our society at large. The unit will challenge G/T students by integrating advanced writing, reading and oral communication standards.Purpose
The student will gain knowledge of pertinent facts about the Civil War while making relevance to war and its effects on society as well as our own personal lives.Essential Questions
1. How are people affected by issues of war?
2. How does geography affect war strategies?
3. Why are political issues a catalyst for war?
4. How does war affect the economy?GT Goals Addressed
20 question True or False pre-test on Civil WarResources
Essential Question #2
How does geography affect war strategies?
S.C. Standards Addressed:
Social Studies Reading (G/T)
4-6.1 4-6.4 5-RS2.2 5-RS1.1
4-6.5 4-6.6 5-RS2.1
G/T Culminating Objectives Addressed:
Student Performance Objectives Addressed:
Student will compare the boundaries and geographical characteristics of the agricultural south and the industrial north.
Student will summarize key battles of the Civil War and the effects geography played in each battle.
Student will explain the impact of the Civil War and its effect on the physical environment of the nation.
G/T student will reason logically.
G/T student will gather and organize info from a variety of sources including technology.
G/T student will synthesize knowledge to communicate ideas.
Student Activities:
Teacher will distribute map and divide students in pairs. Students will use texts and maps to list ways geography affected key battles in the Civil War.
Teacher will discuss answers with students for accuracy.
Students will label a map by marking battles in the northern and southern regions.
Students will create 2 lists of battles under the headings of Northern/Southern victories.
Students will use their map and text to compose a journal entry on why they think geography played a part in the war strategy using cause and effect. Journal must include examples to support their opinion.
G/T students will use the internet or resources of choice to research the war strategies of Ulysses S. Grant or Robert E. Lee and create a list of 5 specific effects of geography in the war strategies used by their selected leader. Student must state their opinion on the strategy and why they think it was a good or bad decision.
Labeled map w/list of Northern and Southern battle victories
Journal entries
G/T List of war strategies
Evaluation (who and how)
Teacher/ discussion, maps for accuracy, journals for content criterion
Learning Environment
ClassroomEssential Question # 1
How are people affected by issues of war?S.C. Standards Addressed:
Social Studies Writing Communication
4-6.1 4-W1.2 5-W1.2 5-W1.6.4 4C1.1
4-6.6 4-W1.3 5-W1.3 5C1.1
G/T Culminating Objectives Addressed:
Student Performance Objectives Addressed: Student will compare everyday life in the agricultural south and the industrial north.
Student will explain the impact of the Civil War on the civilian population.
Student will demonstrate ability to plan for an audience and generate a draft that uses a logical progression of ideas to develop a specific topic.
Student will face audience with use of proper eye contact and voice level.
G/T student will demonstrate ability to use writing to explain and inform.
G/T student will demonstrate ability to use technology to communicate with others.
Student Activities:
Teacher will lead discussion of everyday life before the war.
Students will brainstorm in groups to come up with examples of civilian life changing after the war.
Students in groups will work to produce a handout for the class comparing life for people before and after the war using textbooks as a guide.
Groups will present an impromptu skit depicting the everyday life according to the following assigned topics: north/pre-war, north/post-war, south/pre-war, south /post war.
G/T students will select an everyday scenario of their choice to present orally. They will use technology to develop their topic and will be required to emphasize creative dramatics. They may choose to work together to produce a handout for the class.
Written hand-out
Skit presentation
Evaluation (who and how):
Teacher/rubricLearning Environment:
ClassroomEssential Question # 3
Why are political issues a catalyst for war?
S.C. Standards Addressed:
Social Studies Writing G/T
4-6.2 4-6.4 4-C1.3 5-W1.2 5C1.5
4-6.3 4-6.5 4-W1.6.1 5-W1.6.1
G/T Culminating Objectives Addressed:
Student Performance Objectives Addressed:
Student will summarize accomplishments of Abolitionists movement and its leaders.
Students will explain how political issues including slavery led to war.
Students will summarize the Emancipation Proclamation and its effect on the war.
Students will use language and vocabulary for purpose and audience.
Student will demonstrate ability to write a multiple paragraph letter.
G/T student will plan and write for specific audience with purpose using drafts to write a letter with multiple paragraphs.
G/T student will present a brief speech on topic.
Student Activities:
Use Promethean Board to take a virtual field trip into the life of Harriet Tubman.
Teacher will lead a discussion of political issues leading to war.
Student will write a letter to the newspaper appealing to Harriet Tubman to help them escape.
Or, the student may choose to write an article for William Garrison to publish in his paper.(must include a political view on slavery and its cause for war)
G/T student will write and present a speech using political cause for the war using the "voice" of Abraham Lincoln, Fredrick Douglas or William Garrison.Product:
G/T speech
Evaluation (who and how):
Self assessment by rubric for writing and speech for content and style
Teacher/ writing rubric/speech rubric
Learning Environment:
Essential Question # 4
How does war affect the economy of a nation?
S.C. Standards Addressed:
Social Studies Reading
4-6.1 5-RS3.1
4-6.6 5-RS3.2
G/T Culminating Objectives Addressed:
Student Performance Objectives Addressed:
Student will compare the economy of northern and southern regions of the nation pre and post Civil War.
Students will explain impact of Civil War on civilian populations especially economically.
G/T student will demonstrate ability to organize and classify information by categorizing and sequencing.
G/T student will demonstrate his/her ability to present information in a variety of formats.
Student Activities:
Use graphic organizer to organize cause and effects of Civil War on the economy.
Make a flow chart that illustrates the economical effects of the war on the north and the south.
Teacher and student will discuss results of organizers.
Graphic organizer
Flow chart
Evaluation (who and how)
Teacher discussion observation of graphic organizers
Flow chart for accuracy by teacher
Learning Environment:
ClassroomLesson Plan
Name: Kristin Porter
Grade/ Subject:
4th grade Social Studies with integrated writing and communication skills
Class Size: 18 students (2 G/T)
Description (diversity and performance levels)
4th grade Social Studies standards
4th and 5th grade writing / communication standards
Whole class discussion
Small groups of four for handout creation
Small group oral presentation
G/T independent research
Small group of only two GT students
assessment of handout and skit by teacher/rubric
Lesson: # 1 / week one of four week unit
Theme: Cause and Effect
Enduring Understanding: War Affects Society
Purpose: In this lesson students will perform an impromptu skit depicting everyday life changes due to the Civil War.
Student will compare everyday life in the agricultural south and the industrial north.
Student will explain the impact of the Civil War on the civilian population.
Student will demonstrate ability to plan for an audience and generate a draft that uses a logical progression of ideas to develop a specific topic.
Student will face audience with use of proper eye contact and voice level.
G/T student will demonstrate ability to use writing to explain and inform.
G/T student will demonstrate ability to use technology to communicate with others.
G/T Goals:
Pre-Assessment Strategy:
20 question pre-test True/ False on The Civil War
Essential Question: How are people affected by issues of war?
Visualization technique- Close your eyes and imagine that a war was going on in our town right this moment. . .. How would our life be different? What would we do? Where would we go?
Differentiation for G/T:
Grouped with like students
Advanced handout and skit expectations
Differentiation within G/T:
Independent study/research
Self selection of topic
Small groups for handout and skits (heterogeneous)
G/T students paired for activity
Student Activity:
Teacher will lead discussion of everyday life before the war.
Students will brainstorm in groups to come up with examples of civilian life changing after the war.
Students in groups will work to produce a handout for the class comparing life for people before and after the war using textbooks as a guide.
Groups will present an impromptu skit depicting the everyday life according to the following assigned topics: north/pre-war, north/post-war, south/pre-war, south /post war.
G/T students will select an everyday scenario of their choice to present orally. They will use technology to develop their topic and will be required to emphasize creative dramatics. They may work together or separately to produce a handout for the class.Product:
Impromptu skits
Evaluation (who and how):
Teacher/rubrics for handouts and skits
High Level Questions: Why does war divide families?
How does war affect where we live and what we call home?
How does war affect the jobs of mothers and fathers who provide for us economically?
Use the Promethean Board for a running slide show of pictures from many different wars in our history focusing on people's everyday life. This will offer relevance to the lesson.
Promethean Board
Internet access
Possible Rubrics to use for presentations:
Oral/ Skit Presentation
Name Possible Points Points Earned
Presentation 25
Knowledge of content 25
Audience awareness 25
Expository 25
Total score 100
Handout/ Pamphlet/Brochure
Name Possible Points Points Earned
Creative Presentation 20
On Time 10
Covered assigned topic 20
Content legitimate 20
Contrasts/Comparisons 10
Correct Grammar 20