Intro lesson
A. Background Information:
Erica Serrato
Grade 3
B. Goals and Objectives:
1. 112.5 Science Grade 3
9(a) Observe and identify characteristics among species that allow each to survive and reproduce;
Integrated TEKS:
117.11. Art, Grade 3.
2(C) produce drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, ceramics, and fiber art, using a variety of art materials appropriately.
2. Objective:
The learner will tell and record information that they know, want to know, and learn about whales by creating questions and filling in a KWL chart; use journals to record new vocabulary learned through text; and construct a 3D model of a whale.
3. Materials:
KWL Chart, copies of whale cut outs, stapler with staples, Newspaper
Journals, Pencils, map colors, box, blue tissue paper, string, tape, Whale Book, tree map on chart paper, toothbrush, bowl, water, pepper.
4. Technology:
Projector, Camera, Printer, Portfolios
C. Procedures:
1. Introduction of the topic:
i. Students will learn new vocabulary words needed for the unit on whales: baleen, toothed whales, fluke, dorsal fin, flipper, krill, plankton, blowhole, cetacean, migration.
ii. Demonstration
Students will label a picture of a whale using new vocabulary then use the picture to create a 3D model of the whale. They will also see a demonstration of how whales eat using their baleen (
iii. Hook, and link to prior knowledge of whales
Place a picture of the ocean in front of the students (using the projector): ask question to see if anyone has been to the ocean, on a boat, have seen fish or other animals in the ocean etc.
Next, show the picture of Shamu using the projector. Ask student who has ever seen Shamu perform.
Ask: Where did Shamu come from? What does he eat? Can they describe Shamu? How does he swim? See if students know if Shamu is a fish or mammal.
Remind students what a mammal is. Ask them what type of mammal is Shamu?
2. Development of the topic:
We are going to learn about different types of whales this week. Place the KWL chart on the front board; fill in what the children told you about Shamu that they already know.
Ask if there are things they want to add that they know about whales.
Then have the children think of what they would like to learn about whales and help them put it in the form of a question. Explain that throughout the week you will cross off the questions as they are answered and add the answer to the learned column.
Today we will learn the parts of a whale, and will use this information all week to see how whales are different from one another. I will pass out journals as we learn the new words write them in your journal along with the definition, I will be using the overhead projector so that you can see the spelling of the words and their definition.
Baleen- Whales are classified as baleen whales due to the baleen they have in their mouths. Baleen takes the place of teeth, and works like a type of brush to sift out the food that the whale eats.
Quick baleen Demonstration (3min.): I will show the children using the projector how baleen works to help whales catch krill and other small animals. Fill a small bowl with water and pour a tsp. of pepper into the water. Use the toothbrush to move the "krill" and water; show children how the toothbrush was able to pick up all the tiny pepper pieces. Explain to the children that this is the same way baleen is able to help catch krill for the whales and that it will be available throughout the day for the students to experiment with.
Krill- are a type of shrimp-like marine invertebrate animal.
Show children a picture of krill. Explain that this is a type of food that the whales eat.
Plankton. Show picture from text. This is another type of food that whales eat. This is like the character "Plankton" that you see when you watch the cartoon "Spongebob Squarepants"
Calf(ves): A very young, often newborn whale
Fluke-The end of a whale's tail. Whales swim by moving their muscular tail (flukes) up and down
Flipper- Show a picture of a whale from the text. Point to the flipper (it is labeled in the book) This helps the whales swim and turn.
Migration- whales migrate or move from place to place to give birth or to feed. Whales migrate over very long distances each year. They travel, sometimes in groups (pods), from cold-water feeding grounds to warm-water breeding ground.
Population: a group of individuals of the same species that live (or occur) in the same area and interbreed
Cetaceans- are the species group of mammals that includes the whales, dolphins, and porpoises.
o Hang up the tree map (on the chart paper) on the front board.
o Label it, show the children the first category would be Cetacean and then whales would come next under this column.
o Leave the tree map up for the rest of the week; we will be adding to it as the unit progresses.
o Also leave the KWL chart up; we will cross of what we want to know as we learn it, and fill in the learned column.
Blowhole- Whales breathe through their blowholes, located on the top of the head so the animal can remain submerged. Baleen whales have two; toothed whales have one.
Show the children where the dorsal fin and fluke is located on the whale picture.
Individual Work: Pass out copies of the whale-have children label the picture using their journals.
Once they have all finished, pass out a second copy and have the students cut them both out. Staple the bottom as they finish, have students stuff the whales with newspaper and staple the top of the whale shut.
As students are labeling take a picture of their finished product to include in portfolios.
Cover box with blue tissue paper as the children finish their construction. Use a piece of string; tape to whale then tape the end of the string to the box, so that the whale "floats" in the ocean (box).
3. Summary:
i. We have learned that a whale is a mammal and that baleen whales have two blow holes and toothed whales have one. We have also learned that they eat krill, plankton and that the baleen helps them catch the food. We saw how the baleen helps, and then we labeled the parts of a whale.
ii. Place a new picture of a whale and point to the different parts, have students say the name of the parts.
iii. H.O.T.S.
Why do you think baleen whales need two blowholes?
What do you think would happen if a whale's baleen were to fall out? How would the whale adapt so that it could feed itself?Students that need more could research information on whale endangerment and record for an end of the week project.
Lesson 2
A. Information
Erica Serrato
Baleen Whales
Grade 3B. Goals and Objectives
1. TEKS:
112.5. Science, Grade 3.
(9 (A) observe and identify characteristics among species that allow each to survive and reproduce;
Integrated TEKS:
110.5 Reading, Grade 3.12 (E) interpret and use graphic sources of information, including maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams (2-3);
2. Objectives:
The learner will describe in their journals the characteristics of Baleen Whales; create a hanging tree map of the physical characteristics of a Baleen whale using the information from the KWL chart, and tree map they started on day 1 with the teacher.3. Materials Needed:
Whale books, journals, light colored construction paper, markers, pencils, color pencils, wire hangers-4, colored String, tape, scissors.
4. Technology
Projector, computer with internet connection
C. Procedures:
1. Introduction of topic
i. We talked yesterday about whales and the definitions we would be using this week. Today we will put to use some of the new vocabulary words you learned. We will be talking about Baleen Whales. There are three baleen whales that we will talk about: the Blue Whale, Right Whale, and the Gray whale.
ii. Demonstration:
Students will find out new information, add it to their journals, tree map and KWL chart. They will use this information to create a hanging tree map.
Teacher's Opening Question: How much do you think an elephant weighs? (Wait time)
Have you ever seen a car called a Volkswagen Beetle? (Give the children thinking time as you ask each question.) Let them answer. It's a small car that people call a "bug" because of its small size.
Teacher: A Blue whales heart can weigh as much as a Volkswagen Beetle, and his tongue can weigh as much as several hundred elephants! Why do you think they are called Baleen whales? Think about yesterday's lesson, what did you learn baleen is? What did we discover baleen did?
2. Development of topic:
1. Pass out journals- students are to take notes on this information.
2. The first baleen whale we will discuss is the Blue whale.
3. The Blue whale is the largest whale and mammal in the world. Add Blue whale to the tree map under baleen wwhales( )
4. The Blue Whale is blue-gray with white spots, has two blow holes and grows to be about 80 feet long; some have been measured to be up to 94 feet long!
5. Write that important information on paper-use the overhead projector so that the students can reference it while writing in their journals.
6. Here is a picture of a Blue Whale- use the projector to display on the screen.
This shows you how big a Blue whale is. Look at the dinosaur, in the picture. The Blue whale is longer than this dinosaur which is the longest dinosaur that ever lived. (
7. Listen to the sound that a Blue Whale makes. (Enchanted learning .com p.3)-going to the website that is saved in the favorites tab of the internet. Play the sound by click on the link of page 3.
8. Talk more about the characteristics of the Blue whale.
They have a small dorsal fin near the back of it's by, close to the flukes; they also have flippers that can be up to 8 ft. long, and flukes that are 25 ft. wide.( p.3)
9. Add this information to the journals.
10. Talk about the types of food that all Baleen Whales eat.
All Baleen whales eat krill and copepods, plankton and small fish from the water. All of these whales use their baleen to catch food, just as we simulated in our activity yesterday using a toothbrush with water and pepper. The Blue whales baleen is about 39inches long, that's about from my waist down to my heels!
Add new information to the KWL chart and cross off questions from the want to learn column (already up on board from day1)
11. Blue whales are also found in every ocean of the world. ( p.4)
12. Tell the students to draw a line across the paper. This will mark the starting point for the next whale. Show the students this picture of a Right whale while they write down the new information.
Right Whale(
13. Right whales have black baleen and a large head covered with bumps, upside down smile, no dorsal fin, large wide flippers; they feed constantly with their mouth open as they slowly move along.(all new information found at enchanted
14. Let's look at some pictures of the other two whales so we can see how they look compared to the Blue whale.
gray whale( A gray whale can be almost 45-50 ft. long. They are gray with blotchy white spots and have many parasites or whale lice. There are little to no parasites on the right side because of the way they scrape themselves on the ocean floor to feed.( p.2)
16. The gray whale has no dorsal fin, but it has small ridges by the flukes.
17. These whales sieve or filter through the mud at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, from Alaska down to Mexico.
18. Add Gray whale and Right Whale to the tree map on the board.
19. Now we are going to create a tree map using the information we have in our journals and on the tree map; send students to their assigned stations.
20. Model for the class how they will create a hanging tree map mobile. (There is a picture on the next page of how it should look)
21. Pass out wire hangers, string, construction paper scissors, and markers
22. Assign a whale to each of the three groups, have the fourth group make a tree map for Baleen whales using all the information on the chart. As groups finish hang their tree maps on the bulletin board outside the classroom.
3. Summary:
Today we learned about three types of Baleen whales, their names are the Blue whale, the Right whale and the Gray whale.
We also learned characteristics about each whale. We learned that the blue whale is blue gray; the gray whale is gray with white spots; and the Right whale is black or dark gray.
All baleen whales have 2 blow holes, and they all eat krill, plankton, and small fish.
Blue whales are located in all the oceans, Gray whales are located in the Arctic Ocean and Right whales are located in both hemispheres of the Earth.
ii. Review:
Refer to the tree map, name a whale and have students raise their hands if they can name a characteristic of the whale.(Place a piece of blank chart paper over the tree map except where the names of the whales are.)
iii. H.O.T.S.:
Why do you think it is that all these whales are located in different locations?
They are all baleen whales, so why don't they live in the same places?
Do they ever cross paths during migration? (Allow students to use the wall map if needed)
D. Assessment:
1. Students will be asked a series of questions from a checklist; I will use a checklist for each whale they will choose that whale that their group worked on and tell me about that whale on a piece of paper that will be turned in. They will answer these questions on the paper (use the overhead to display questions):
What can you tell me about the whale your group was given? Where can these whales be located? What do the whales eat? How long does the whale live for?
E. Re-teach:
1. Students who did not meet TEK: Whale puzzle- there is a baggie that has laminated puzzle pieces in it. (Used a copy of a whale picture, with the parts labeled, laminated, and cut into puzzle pieces.)
Students that need more: students would be allowed to search internet for this question: How does the whale take care of its calf?
2. Review for all: play a memory game with whale facts. Pass out index cards that have the whale information on them. One set has questions and the other has the answers. Give a set to each group and let them play.
3. H.O.T.S. Is the Blue whale the biggest mammal or thing there is? Give your opinion: What other things or mammals do you think are as big as Blue Whales? How many people could weigh as much as a blue whale? How can you use the information from the tree map to write a story?
Lesson 3
A. Erica Serrato
Baleen Whales
Grade 3
B. Goals and Objectives
1. TEK:
112.5. Science, Grade 3; 9 (A) observe and identify characteristics among species that allows each to survive and reproduce;
Integrated TEK:110.5 Reading, Grade 3; 9(I) Interpret and use graphic sources of information including maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams (2-3);
2. Objective:
The learner will create a chart to sort out the information learned about Baleen whales; fill in a Venn diagram using the information from the chart.
3. Materials: Pencils, journals, yardstick, books, chart paper (chart lines already drawn on paper).
4. Technology:
Computers with internet sites book marked,
C. Procedures:
1. Introduction to the topic
i. Hook: "Everyone needs to sit in their seats with their feet on the floor, place your hands softly in your lap. Close your eyes. (soft soothing voice) Imagine that you are a diver; you are in to ocean swimming around when you spot something. It's very small and there are millions of them swimming your way, they look almost like a little shrimp but are almost clear and see-through. You can see all of its tiny little legs wiggling to help it swim in the water. It has some orange color to it, and has beady little eyes.-What is it that you see?(Krill)
So this big cloud like group of krill swim past and then you hear it; it's like a moaning sound coming, you look around and see nothing, but then you feel something swim above you. You look up and you see a huge dark object. . . It's a whale! This is a specific whale, it is almost 100ft. long, and is a blue grey color. I think this might be the biggest whale that there is. What type of whale is it? It's a Blue Whale.
2. Development of Topic:
Make a chart on a new page of journals.
The chart is going to be for all three of the baleen whales that we learn about today.-place up the chart paper on the board have to children draw this in their journals and label as you have.
Name Color Life Span Foods Location Length Blowhole(s)
Blue Whale
Gray Whale
Right Whale
The chart should look like this: Now let's fill in the chart together using what we have just learned. What do we know about the Blue whales color?-let them answer.
What about its length? Can it only be 80 ft. or can it be more?
What types of food do they eat?
How about the number of blowholes, does anyone recall the number?
Now we can check of from the want to know list the things that we have just learned. The chart should now be completely filled in for a blue whale.
Write on the board the information that will not fit on the chart: no dorsal fin, ridges by the flukes; feeds at the bottom of the ocean.
Now we can see the information that is missing from the chart.
I'm going to give you time as a group to use these books that I have brought in from the library. They are called Amazing Whales, Zoo books Magazine, Right Whales (whale and dolphin series), and Gray Whales. Pass out books to each group leader and have the children break into their groups.
Each group will have 5min. to skim for information, and then they will switch books with the next group and repeat the task.
Have students return to their desk. Ask them to help you fill in the large chart using the information learned, and if they did not get to fill in to chart completely to fill it in with you.Have students return to their seats to create a Venn diagram of all three whales. Students may reference the chart that is up on the board. This is to be done individually.
3. Summary:
During today's lesson we covered characteristics of whales, along with location; foods; and life span of whales.
i. Review:
Students get into groups;
Cover up all the answers on the chart paper with a sticky note.
Place point values on the sticky note
They students can get points for their group by saying the correct answer that corresponds to the box you point to.
ii. H.O.T.S.
How do scientists know that a Right whale can live for over 60yrs?
Compare and Contrast Blue whales and Right Whales as a whole group.
D. Assessment:
1. The student met the objective of the lesson by completing a Venn diagram.
2. They had to compare and contrast Baleen Whales-orally. I used a checklist to see if students used the characteristics and locations, and food types. The checklist included student's names so that I could put a check mark in the column that their answer pertained too. This will allow me to see what the students know as a whole group.
D. Re-Teach:
1. Students who did not meet objective: go over the chart with the student and circle in green the things that the whales have in common. Next, circle in red the characteristics that are different. Explain to the student that the characteristics in green will be in the space where the circles connect. Then explain that the red circled characteristics are the differences and will go in the separate circles depending on which whale he or she is writing about. Show the student how to label the Venn diagram.
Students that exceeded and need more can log on to the internet to research whale watching.
2. Review for all: Whales puzzles. This is a picture of a whale that has been labeled, laminated and cut into pieces for the students to put together.
3. H.O.T.S.: How does baleen help whales catch their food?
What does a whale do when it can't find food in its habitat?Lesson 4
A. Background Information
Erica Serrato
3D whale model
Grade 3
B. Goals and Objectives
1. TEK:
112.5. Science, Grade 3; 9 (A) observe and identify characteristics among species that allows each to survive and reproduce;
Integrated TEK:
111.15 Mathematics, Grade 3
(3.11)A. Use linear measurement tools to estimate and measure lengths using standard units;
2. Objective: The learner will measure, and mark the features and characteristics of a whale.
3. Materials:
Whale memory game, tape, 200ft spool of string, bulletin board paper (save for day6), ruler, yardstick, calculators,
4. Technology:
Camera, printer
C. Procedures:
1. Introduction to the topic:
i. Mind Capture: Does anyone really have an idea of how long a blue whale really is; or what 100ft in length can look like. Today we are going to measure out the length of a blue whale, and mark the beginning (head) and the end (tail). We are going to go outside to measure.
ii. Link to prior experience: Let students fill in the missing information by raising their hand.
We learned that a Blue Whale can grow to be ______ ft. long. And that it has specific characteristics like: color, length, baleen, life span, location found in.
2. Development of Topic
We will use our journals to draw a picture of a blue whale. Use the characteristics and lengths to help you draw what you think the blue whale would look like. Write down how long your whale would be, and name the characteristics you would use.
We know that a Blue Whale can grow to be 100 ft long as you said earlier.
We also need to make the markings proportionate to the body. I brought a picture of a Blue whale that has measurement markings on it.
We will need to figure out a great spot to lay out the paper and draw it. Could we use the wall? (Yes...No. . .) we could but we would need a ladder to reach the top of the paper. What about the blacktop? Could we draw on the paper and measure from all around? (Yes.)
Here is a picture of a Blue whale. Use projector to show the picture
Look at the measurements. About how much paper are we going to need? Remember we need the paper to be long enough for a Blue whale. The paper comes in large rolls about 3.5ft in height and will have about 300ft in length to each roll.
Let's think out loud together to solve the problem.
Now on one side we could put the length of this blue whale is ______? On the other side put how much ft. in paper would cover that._______?
So we have enough for the length but what about the height of the whale? Look at the photo: Do you see something that is measuring out the height? Which tells you the length of the top of the whale or the bottom part of the whale?
So the picture shows you that from the center of the whale down to the flipper is 10ft., and now we need to know from the center to the dorsal fin of the whale.
It's about ฝ an inch; so if 1 inch is = to 10ft then ฝ an inch would be equal to how many feet?
Be sure to write this in your journals
The picture also tells you that from to tip of the mouth to the eye is 10ft. in length.
So we know that this Blue whale is going to be about 60ft. long, and 15 ft. in height and that its eye is located about 10ft. from the front of the mouth. What about the Dorsal Fin how far is it from the eye or the flipper?
If you look at the picture it has something that is used to measure out every 10ft. . . .
One inch=10ft so if we take our ruler and measure from the tip of the nose to the dorsal fin how many inches will that be?
How many ft. away is the dorsal fin if 1in. =10ft?
Going outside: Make sure that you all bring a pencil with an eraser and I will bring tape just in case we tear the paper. Bring Your Journals so that when we are finished measuring you can mark the features and characteristics of the whale.
Take the camera; take pictures to display to the class next week.
After measuring and marking the paper have students return to class and go over the KWL chart. Mark off what they learned on day 3 and add any new information to the learned column.
3. Summary
i. Today we measured out the length of a Blue whale, which was about 60ft. long. We made markings of its characteristics like 2 blowholes, flippers, a dorsal fin, the flukes, eyes, and its elongated mouth.
ii. Where would we find a Blue whale? How would you know what type of whale it was?
iii. H.O.T.S.
Now that you have seen how big a Blue whale really can be, Can you name any other animal or mammal that is bigger than a Blue whale?
If we did not have a yardstick to use what other ways could we measure out 60ft?
D. Assessment:
1. The student met the objective by drawing and labeling a Blue whale, and by including the length of their whale.
2. They had to answer how they would measure out 100 ft. without using a yard stick.
3. They had to tell me how they would be able to tell a Blue Whale from any other whale.
E. Re-teach: Students that did not get it: I will go over the whale picture with them; the student will measure out a smaller version of the whale using a ruler. I would guide the student in measuring and labeling. I would have the student orally tell me how they would measure out the length of a whale.
For students that need more: I would allow the students to work together to create a poster board of new whale facts that they discovered over the last 3 days on whale watching, how a whale takes care of its young and whale endangerment. The students would be allowed free time throughout the day to type and print information.
Lesson 5
A. Background Information
Erica Serrato
Grade 3
B. Goals and Objectives
1. TEK:
112.5. Science, Grade 3; 9 (A) observe and identify characteristics among species that allows each to survive and reproduce;
Integrated TEK: 113.5 Social Studies, Grade 3.
5Geography (B) use a scale to determine the distance between places on maps and globes.
2. Objective: The students will use a bar scale to measure distance between two places on a map; the students will record where different oceans are on the map.
3. Materials:
Copies of a blank world map, red, black, and blue marker for each student. A marked map or globe for each team-globe game.
4. Technology: projector,
C. Procedures
1. Introduction of topic:
i. What will be learned: Today the student will record the locations of the Oceans. You will determine the distance that one of the whales travels during migration using a scale.
ii. Demonstration: The students are going to see if they can tell if different types of whales cross paths during migration.
iii. Hook: On Day two I asked you a question about whales. That question was: Do whales ever cross paths during migration? So in other words, do you think that a gray whale crosses the same path as a blue whale or a right whale? How can we find out for sure?
2. Development of Topic:
This is the location map for a Blue Whale
Draw arrows to help students follow along during explanation.
Eastern North Pacific gray whales make a mammoth 20,000 km (12,400 mile) round trip between their southern breeding grounds off Baja California, Mexico and their northern feeding grounds off Alaska and the Beaufort Sea.
Because the gray whale and Blue whale travel such lengths I will assign specific points for these whales that you are to measure.
A few - mainly younger - whales make a shorter journey north from Mexico, stopping off along the coastline stretching between northern California, Oregon, Washington State, USA, and British Columbia, Canada. This will be the measuring point for the Gray whale.
The southern Right Whale: lies mainly along the southern coasts of Africa; South America. Southern right whales migrate to colder food-rich waters near Antarctica for the summer, but to where exactly is not known. Most appear to stay in the mid-Southern Ocean but some do feed at the edge of the pack-ice.
Pass out copies of maps and three colored markers to each student
Go over names and location of Oceans (use projector): Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and the Arctic Ocean.
Have students record this on their copy.
Have the students label the seven continents: North and South America, Asia, Europe, Australia, Antarctica, Africa.
Have the students label the equator and the northern and southern hemisphere.
Point to the locations of the oceans again and call on students to tell you which ocean it is; do the same with the equator and the northern and southern hemispheres.
Tell the students that a map sometimes has something called a scale on it to tell you what the distances on the map represent in terms of real distance.
Explain that one type of scale is a bar scale.
Tell the students that the bars in the map scale are marked off to show distances on the map.
Have the students take out their ruler, and line it up with the scale on their copy of the world map.
Write the word miles on your copy of the map. Tell the students that miles measure distance.
Write the word inches on the same paper. Tell the students that the scale tells us that inches stand for miles.
Ask: How long is each bar in the bar scale? (one inch) Tell the students to look below the scale to see what each inch stands for.
Ask: How many miles does one inch stand for? (1 inch equals 10 miles)
How many miles would 2 inches stand for? (20 miles)
How many miles would 3 inches stand for? (30 miles)
Tell the students that they are going to use the scale to measure the distance between points. Model for the students how to use the scale to measure distance from one location to another. Explain that as they measure they need to be recording the inches in their journals so that they can total all the inches up when they finish measuring.
Assign one whale to each of the group.
Assign a leader to oversee each group; give the leader the book that matches with their whale.
Tell each group that they are to mark to migration patter-model this on your paper using the projector.
Then the students are to measure the distance using the scale.
Break Students into groups and have them measure the distance that their assigned whale travels. 10 min.
While students are doing their work put up the chart paper that has a drawing of the same map that the students have. (Place the two pieces of chart paper together to make the world map, then place it on the front board)
Have students return to their seats
Pick a second student from each group to come up to the board and draw the migration pattern for their whale and out to the side put the total distance that was measured.
After each student has finished ask the students these questions:
1. Which whale traveled the farthest during migration?
2. Did any of the whales cross paths during migration?
3. Which ocean is located around the coast of Florida?
4. Which ocean is located around the coast of Texas?
5. Which ocean is the Gray whale located in?
6. Which ocean is the Right Whale located in?
7. Which ocean is the Blue whale located in?
3. Summary:
i. Today you learned how to measure distance on a map using a bar scale. You also learned the distance that each whale travels during migration and that some paths are crossed during migration. You learned the location of the oceans and which whale is located in each ocean. You also learned which whale traveled the farthest.
ii. Students can answer these questions as a whole group: Which whale was found in all the oceans? (Blue Whale)
Which whale was found in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres? (Right Whale)
Which whale is found in the Arctic Ocean? (Gray Whale)
How does a bar scale help you measure distance?
The bar scale that we used today was marked as an inch. Each inch was equal to how many miles?
How many miles are equal to 5inches?
iii. H.O.T.S.
Why do you think it is important for people to have a scale to measure distance?
Determine the distance between these two points on the world map: Mark one point on the coast of California and the other in the "heart" of Texas.
D. Assessment:
1. Assessment: The students met the objective by labeling the oceans on a map and drawing a whale's migration pattern.
2. H.O.T.S. They also had to answer question that determine why it is important to use a scale to measure distance. They also had to determine the distance between a point on the coast of California to another point in the "heart" of Texas. Each student was graded by a rubric for using a scale and finding the locations of the oceans.E. Re-teach:
1. Allow students that will be presenting tomorrow time to rehearse their presentation.
Students that did not meet the TEK: Will have one-on-one time with the teacher to discuss how to use a bar scale. We will work on using different maps for example, a map of the neighborhood; a map of Waco; a map of Texas, etc. to measure distance and work our way back to the world map.
2. Review for all: Each student may pick any whale and write a story; they are to pretend that they are the whale telling about its adventure during migration. Have them include what oceans they traveled in and what foods were eaten on the way. They may even tell if they ran into another type of mammal or whale.
Lesson 6
A. Background Information
Erica Serrato
Culminating Activity
Grade 3
B. Goals and Objectives
1. TEK: 112.5. Science, Grade 3; 9 (A) observe and identify characteristics among species that allows each to survive and reproduce;
Integrated TEK:
117.11. Art, Grade 3.
2C- produce drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, ceramics, and fiber-art, using a variety of art materials appropriately.
2. Objective: The learner will construct a model of a whale and its habitat; they will label the whale's characteristics.
3. Materials: a lot of newspaper, tape, stapler, scavenger hunt, word search, crossword puzzle, blue, gray, black, and white paint, fishing line.
4. Technology: Camera
C. Procedures
1. Introduction of topic:
i. The students will summarize what was learned throughout the week, and then they will create a 3D model of the whale to hang in the room.
ii. Demonstration: They will duplicate the amount of paper they cut on day 4. They will cut out the whale; staple the bottoms shut, and stuff the whale with newspaper. When the whale is stuffed they will close the whale by stapling the top shut.
iii. Hook: We are going to create out life size model of the whale today. We will use the measurements and marking that you made on day 4. You will be divided into groups and then given your assignments.
2. Development of Topic
Each group will participate in a different activity for 15 min. while another group is helping make the whale. We will switch every 15min. and each group will get to be a part of the construction of our whale.
Group 1-you are to work quietly on the scavenger hunt using the internet.
Group 2- you are to work on your crossword puzzle.
Group three you are to work on the Whale word search puzzle.
Group 4, I will start with you on the whale. Group leaders please control your groups; remember to work quietly and encourage each other to finish.
Group 4 helps to cut out the double shape of the whale(this will be its back side)
They staple shut the whale
Group 3 fills the whale with wads of newspaper and staples it shut
Group 2 makes the characteristics on both sides and begins to paint the whale
Group 1 finishes the painting and starts to hang the Blue paper on the clean, white walls of the gym. As the whale is finished we hang it up in the gym using fishing string.
3. Summary: We have learned about 3 types of Baleen whales this past week. In your journals tell me what you have learned this week.
i. what was learned: Right Whale, Gray Whale, Blue Whale; we learned characteristics of each. We learned how long each can be; we also measured out the length of a blue whale using a yardstick. We made charts, maps, and Venn diagrams using the information in our journals. We also mapped the whale's migration pattern, you measured distance using a bar scale, and made a 3D construction of a life size whale. You read books, wrote in your journals and where able to completely fill in you KWL chart.
ii. Review: Here is a Whale fact sheet with some information missing. You have 5 minutes to work with a partner to quickly fill in the missing information.
H.O.T.S.: What are some facts that you can recall about Baleen whales?
Describe how baleen helps whales catch their food.D. Assessment:
1. The students had to complete a word search, scavenger hunt and crossword puzzle. They also had to fill in a fact sheet that had information missing. The Advanced students will present their information to the class. They will be assessed using a checklist of information to research. They were to find information on whale watching, endangered whales, and how a whale takes care of its young.