Grade: Elementary
Subject: other

#429. Herman the Worm

other, level: Elementary
Posted Wed May 6 16:58:40 PDT 1998 by Angel Herring (

Sitting on the sidewalk
Chewing my bubble gum (pretend to chew)
Playing with my yoyo - WOO WOO (act like you are playing with a yoyo
And along comes Herman the worm. (do your index finger like it is crawling like a worm)
And he was this big (hold your fingers a few inches apart)
I said, "Herman, what happened?"
And he said, "I ate an apple"

Sitting on the sidewalk
Chewing my bubble gum (pretend to chew)
Playing with my yoyo - WOO WOO (act like you are playing with a yoyo
And along comes Herman the worm. (do your index finger like it is crawling like a worm)
And he was this big (hold your hands a foot apart)
I said, "Herman, what happened?"
And he said, "I ate a banana"

Sitting on the sidewalk
Chewing my bubble gum (pretend to chew)
Playing with my yoyo - WOO WOO (act like you are playing with a yoyo
And along comes Herman the worm. (do your index finger like it is crawling like a worm)
And he was this big (hold your hands about 4 feet apart)
I said, "Herman, what happened?"
And he said, "I ate a watermelon"

Sitting on the sidewalk
Chewing my bubble gum (pretend to chew)
Playing with my yoyo - WOO WOO (act like you are playing with a yoyo
And along comes Herman the worm. (do your index finger like it is crawling like a worm)
And he was this big (hold you hands or fingers close together)
I said, "Herman, what happened?"
And he said, "I burped"