Grade: 1-2
Subject: Language

#4341. Compound Words

Language, level: 1-2
Posted Wed Apr 8 10:27:32 PDT 2009 by Tricia (Tricia).
Perry Elementary School, Huntington Beach, CA
Materials Required: Whiteboard Whiteboard Marker Paper Pencil Crayons Phonics Library Theme 7 Post-it Note
Activity Time: 45 mins.
Concepts Taught: Compound Words

Compound Word Lesson Plan- Tricia Kovely
K-12 Academic Content Standard(s):

R1.10 Blend sounds to read words
R1.13 Compounds/Contractions


Whiteboard Marker
Phonics Library Theme 7
Post-it Note

What is the academic learning goal(s)?

Students will be able to identify compound words in a text.

Students will be able to create compound words using two smaller words.

What instructional strategies and activities will you use for this lesson?

• Review compound words by having students match up 2 small words in a list to make a compound word

• Students will be grouped by partners and will find compound words found in the Phonics Library stories: Ann Can't Sleep, Chan's Gift & Rick and Dad Go Camping. Students will be given 10 minutes. When the 10 minutes is up, students will tell their answers to classmates.

• The examples will be given whole class and a list will be made on the board.

• Students will then use one of the compound words from the class list to make a picture using each smaller word and the compound word.

Students will choose a compound word from our list and will draw a picture for each of the smaller words in the compound word, as well as a picture of the compound words.