Grade: other
Subject: Health

#4364. Bullying Project

Health, level: other
Posted Sat Apr 25 13:18:28 PDT 2009 by Lamont Ahn (Lamont Ahn).
Chapman University, Orange, CA
Materials Required: Each student will receive 10 cards per day, (either premade cards or cards made in class. The cards
Activity Time: 1 week
Concepts Taught: Understanding what bullying is, communication, identification and a conscious awareness of bullying.


Day 1: 1hour

•Group students into pairs or small groups and have students make a list of what they think bullying is.

•Explain the definition of bullying to the students: "Bullying is an act of violence. It is intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words or other behaviors committed by one or more persons against another in an obvious or subtle way", (SFUSD, Day of Kindness, pg 1). Students may need to review what a "subtle" versus "obvious" form of bullying may be, e.g. direct teasing versus isolating an individual from joining in.

•Review with the class the different forms of bullying on the butcher paper, Physical, Mental and have the student state a type of bullying and write it either under physical or mental. When the class is done write a few more that the students may have missed. (The types of bullying will vary from school to school or even from different grades. Try and cover the issues that are a problem at your school).

•Remember to review the seriousness of the different forms of bullying listed and explain the possible consequences and feelings of a person who maybe going through this form of bullying.

•Review with students how to identify bullying and different ways of defending oneself or another, nonviolent, in bullying. For example, walking away, or telling the other person they are bullying, if defending, why are you picking on him/her, just leave them alone, and other examples that may be relevant to you class.

•Explain the rules of Fight Bullying Awareness project. Each student should receive 10 cards, and a journal to document their week. The journal is to keep track of how many cards they received for the day explaining how they received the card and for what reason they received the card and how they felt when being bullied or bullying.

•Rule 1: Each student will receive 10 cards everyday when school starts.

•Rule 2: To take another person's card, you have to be bullied by the person or group. To know if you have been bullied you may feel, fear, rejection, physical pain, or anything that happens to hurt your feelings and make you feel bad about yourself is consider to be bullied. This will count in taking another person's card away from them. Example, one student hits another student to bully them then the student who got bullied will receive a card from the bully. If the bully does not give their card to them write it down in the journal and explain what happen and give yourself a card.

•Rule 3: When taking a card from a person you must tell them they just bullied you, how they bullied you and how it made you feel when being bullied.

•Rule 4: Write everything down in your journal to explain what happened and how you felt.

•Rule 5: Defending another person will earn you a card from the bully. 1 card to the bullied and 1 card to the defender. Write it down in the journal what you saw and how you defended the other person.

•At the end of the day, students will tally up how many cards they have. If they have 0 then write 0, if you have 20 write 20. The next day everyone starts with 10 again.

•Get out of Bully Free Card: The only way to keep your card from someone who said you bullied them is by listening to why the other person felt like you bullied them. If you did it by accident and feel sorry about it then apologize to the person. After the apology or explanation of the incident, it is up to the person who was bullied to either take the card or let the bully keep their card.

Day 2 -- 4: 10 minutes

•Go over what the students have been experiencing.

•Reinforce the different types of bullying and the different ways to address bullying. Clarify any questions the students may have and allow students in pairs or groups go over some of their experiences.

Day 5: Assembly

•The assembly is another way to inform students about bullying. Go over some facts about bullying and some of the experiences people have gone through being bullied and how many students commit suicide due to bullying.

•End the assembly by showing a slide show of students who have the most cards, (most likely these students have been bullied the most throughout the week, you can verify by reading their journals) and make a slide with those students pictures about being bullied and committing suicide.