Grade: Middle
Subject: Mathematics

#4369. Ordering Fractions, Decimals, Scientific Notation

Mathematics, level: Middle
Posted Tue Apr 28 09:45:36 PDT 2009 by Dan Curtis (Dan Curtis).
Orange County Schools, Orange, VA
Materials Required: Definition sheet
Activity Time: 50 min
Concepts Taught: • Develop strategies to compare, order, and determine equivalency among fractions, decimals, and per

Unit Number and Name: Unit 5 -- Ordering numbers, fractions, etc.
Lesson Title: The student will compare, order, and determine equivalent relationships between fractions, decimals, and percents, including use of scientific notation for numbers greater than 10.

Teacher Name(s) and School: LGMS

Grade: 7 Subject Area: Math 7
Time\Duration: 70 minutes
Short Description\Summary of Lesson:

This lesson introduces the students to the properties of operations with real numbers.

Virginia Standards Of Learning targeted in this lesson:

Instructional Objective(s): The objective(s) should be specific, concise, and measurable.
Students will be able to represent a number in fraction, decimal, and percent forms with fractions having a denominator of 12 or less; compare, order, and determine equivalent relationship among fractions, decimals, & percents with decimals limited to the thousandths place, and percent limited to the tenths place; order no more than five numbers written as fractions, decimals, percents and numbers larger than 10 written in scientific notation in ascending or descending order.
Materials Needed:
Definition sheet
Play money in paper and colored counters
Model of solar system or map displaying distances from sun in miles in scientific notation
Five stations set up around classroom. Each station has samples of fractions, decimals, percents with decimals limited to thousands place, and scientific notation respectively with 5th station displaying a sample of all types.
Pre-requisite Skills:
Familiarity with decimals, fractions and percents. Knowledge of place value.

Key Vocabulary:
Decimal Fraction Percent
Scientific Notation

Lesson Opener\Cue Set:
Teacher provides students with visual demonstration of various decimal values using money as prop. The segues into using map or model of solar system to demonstrate scientific notation in representation of miles

Core Lesson:

Lesson Closure:

Teacher provides examples of choices for students where students choose which they would rather have in terms of money awards using decimal, fraction and scientific notation in describing amounts.


Provide fraction manipulatives for greater understanding of fractional values.
Introduce students to Avogadro number and other scientific applications of scientific notation.


Students answer sheet from station activity.
Teacher observation