Grade: 1-2
Subject: Science

#4372. Energy

Science, level: 1-2
Posted Wed Apr 29 10:28:04 PDT 2009 by Heather (Heather ).

Heather Owens

Date: 4-29-09
Grade Level: 2nd grade

P.EN.E.1 Forms of energy
Learning Resources and Materials
Development of Lesson


Each child will go to the webquest and explore it. They will play game about energy and learn vocabulary words. Students will view heat experiments and facts about different types of energy.

Students will do this activity individually. They will have a half hour to play the games and find as much information about energy as they can.

The four special needs students in this lesson will be students who have trouble reading. This assignment will be good for those students because its hands on there is sound to it. The directions for games can be read by another student if the child needs help or by myself.
After the students have done the webquest I will go over some energy vocabulary and talk to them about what they found that was interesting and fun. What parts of the webquest they viewed.