Punnett Square
How is the Punnett Square used in genetics?
Michigan Content Standard B4.1e Determine the genotype and phenotype of monohybrid crosses using a Punnett Square.
Learning Resources and Materials
Development of LessonIntroduction
Students start with a homework assignment (Gene Challenge 1 from Webquest)
Day 1 in class -- review homework and definitions. Spend most of hour on Punnett Square examples.
Day 2 -- Work as a class to collect data on traits listed in Gene Challenge 2. Students begin working on creating graphs. Finish graphs at home if necessary.
Day 3 -- Students to work in pairs to complete worksheet 1
Day 4 -- Students to work in pairs to complete worksheet 2
Day 5 -- Have students present their Punnett Squares for questions 1-8 on Worksheet 2. Assign each pair one of the 8 questions to present. There will be 2-3 pairs assigned for each question, depending on the size of class. Have them present at the same time and compare their Punnett Squares.
Utilize Webquest so students look up and learn the definitions on their own.
Then in class fill in the blanks & provide examplesAccommodations/Adaptations
Two students have dyslexia and are slow readers:
o Provide electronic format of assignment so students can use word-processing software to assist with spelling and grammar.
o Provide a video (mp4 or similar) of teacher demonstrating how to do Punnett squares so that students can re-watch as many times as they would like while completing the assignment. Break it into short, small segments that can be easily replicated.
One student has ADHD:
o Assignment can be partially graded on the work that is turned in. Any attempt is better than none.
o Provide a video (mp4 or similar) of teacher demonstrating how to do Punnett squares so that students can re-watch as many times as they would like while completing the assignment. Break it into short, small segments that can be easily replicated.
One student stutters when speaking in front of groups or strangers:
o Written work will be accepted in place of classroom presentation if student so desires.Assessment/Evaluation
Were all questions on Worksheets 1 & 2 completed & correct?
Were graphs created representative of data and labeled properly?
Were Punnett Squares presented in class correct?
How is genetics changing the world we live in today? Pull current events topics.
X-linked recessive gene disorders:
Hemophilia A, Muscular Dystrophy, red-green color blindness,Teacher Reflection
To be completed after the lesson.