Grade: Senior
Subject: Science

#4380. Negative impact of human activities on an Ecosystem

Science, level: Senior
Posted Wed Apr 29 13:27:26 PDT 2009 by K. Muscat (K. Muscat).
Wayne State University - Student, Detroit, MI

Day 1:
• Define ecosystem
• Provide local examples (Lake Huron) & brainstorm of importance (recreational, food)
• Introduce concept of invasive species (emphasize those a result of human actions)
o Zebra and Quagga Mussels
 Filter-feed removing large amounts of phytoplankton and decreasing the food supply for other species.
 Clog water intake structures, requiring costly upkeep and repairs
o Round Goby (contaminated ballast waters of transoceanic ships)
 voracious feeder -- outcompete native fishes
• Issues of water quality & quantity
• Take Ecological Footprint Quiz

Day 2:
• Discuss results of Ecological Footprint Quiz
• Introduce WebQuest assignment.
• Group students together in "home groups". Have them decide roles.
• Once roles are decided, have students switch and meet with their "Specialist Group"

Days 3-4:
• Students will continue to work with Specialist Groups.

Days 5-6:
• Students will switch back to Home Groups to finish WebQuest.

Day 7:
• Home Groups will share their final results with the class.

• Michigan Content Standard B3.4C Examine the negative impact of human activities.(in an ecosystem)

Development of Lesson

Day 1:
• Define ecosystem
• Provide local examples (Lake Huron) & brainstorm of importance (recreational, food)
• Introduce concept of invasive species (emphasize those a result of human actions)
o Zebra and Quagga Mussels
 Filter-feed removing large amounts of phytoplankton and decreasing the food supply for other species.
 Clog water intake structures, requiring costly upkeep and repairs
o Round Goby (contaminated ballast waters of transoceanic ships)
 voracious feeder -- outcompete native fishes
• Issues of water quality & quantity
• Take Ecological Footprint Quiz

Day 2:
• Discuss results of Ecological Footprint Quiz
• Introduce WebQuest assignment.
• Group students together in "home groups". Have them decide roles.
• Once roles are decided, have students switch and meet with their "Specialist Group"

Days 3-4:
• Students will continue to work with Specialist Groups.

Days 5-6:
• Students will switch back to Home Groups to finish WebQuest.

Day 7:
• Home Groups will share their final results with the class.

• Two students have dyslexia and are slow readers:
o The Ecological Footprint quiz is a really fun assignment because it's interactive, online, and can be done at home at your own pace.
o Provide electronic format of assignment so students can use word-processing software to assist with spelling and grammar.
o Provide useful URLs to class to help direct their research efforts. This saves them from having to read unnecessary information and helps to minimize their frustration.
o Have other students in their groups read the instructions and background information to the group to keep them all at the same place.
• One student has ADHD:
o The Ecological Footprint quiz is a really fun assignment because it's interactive, online, and can be done at home at your own pace.
o Assignment can be partially graded on the work that is turned in. Any attempt is better than none.
o Provide useful URLs to class to help direct their research efforts. This saves them from having to read unnecessary information and helps to minimize their frustration.
o Also, this student can provide visual instead of written examples is she chooses.
• One student stutters when speaking in front of groups or strangers:
o Written work will be accepted in place of classroom presentation if student so desires.

• Homework Day 1-- take the Ecological Footprint Quiz. Bring results to class for discussion along with ideas that each student can implement to reduce their footprint.
• Group project -- WebQuest.
o Each home group will be evaluated on the presentation and work of the entire group.
o Each group's total performance will depend on the individual performance of each person in the group.
o Each group member will be further evaluated on the his or her ability to thoroughly answer the assigned questions

• So what can we as individuals do to help keep our ecosystem health?

Teacher Reflection