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Grade: Senior
Subject: Social Studies
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Lesson Author
First and Last Name: Aaron Buller
School District: Lexington 1
School Name: White Knoll High School
School City, State: White Knoll, South Carolina
Lesson Overview
Lesson Plan Title: American Revolution
Students should be able to explain the development of representative government and political rights in the American colonies. Summarize the impact of the Declaration of Independence on the American colonies and the rest of the world. Explain the effectiveness of the Articles of Confederation had on the new country. Compare and contrast the Constitution and the Article of Confederation. Explain the creation of new national government, Federalist Papers, and the ratification of the Constitution.
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Subject Area(s): Click box(es) of the subject(s) that your Unit targets
0 Language Arts
0 Music
1 Social Studies
0 Math
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0 Other:
0 Other:Grade Level: Click box(es) of the grade level(s) that your Unit targets
0 K-2
1 6-8
0 3-5
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0 Other:
Targeted State Content Standards:
This lesson plan will give a quick lay out of the American Revolution and the events before and after the war.
USG -- 2.1:
Explain the separation of powers among the state and national government will be covered. Summarize how the three branches create a check-and-balance form of government that separate the powers of the national government.
USG -- 2.2:
Summarize European philosophers and Enlightenment thinkers influence on the development of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain John Locke, Charles de Montesquieus, Thomas Hobbs, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and their influence on American government.
USHC -- 2.1:
Explain early development of representative government and political rights in the American colonies.
USHC -- 2.2:
Summarize the impact of the Declaration of Independence on the American colonies and the rest of the world.
USHC -- 2.3:
Explain the Effectiveness of the Articles of Confederation had on the new country.
USHC -- 2.4:
Compare and contrast the Constitution and the Article of Confederation. Explain the creation of new national government, Federalist papers, and the ratification of the Constitution
Student Objectives/Learning Goals:
Show the influence of Enlightenment philosophy on the founding of the United States. This will be done by educating the students on the American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. By students receiving a handout of notes where they will fill in the blanks while they follow along with the lecture.
Procedures: (Steps to teach lesson; include teacher preparation activities)
• Start
o Will start class off by asking a few questions to find out what the students know or do not know about the American Revolution. Then the students will pair up to fill out a KWL chart.
• Middle
o During the lecture the students will follow along with the presentation as the teacher talks about each slide and the information about the American Revolution. The students will be give notes that will go along the power point and at times the instructor will request that a student read off the information on the power point. So that the students can feel part of the teaching process. Through out the lecture the teacher will ask questions to the students about the subject.
• End
Once the lecture has been given and the students have successfully filled in the blanks to their notes a ten question work sheet will be given. The notes from the lecture will help the students with the assignment and if they do not finish it in class then take it home to work on.
Approximate Time Needed:
90 minute
Materials and Resources Required For Unit
Printed Materials: Work sheet that has ten questions and notes to go with the lecture.
Supplies: Students will take notes from the presentation by filling in the blanks of a work sheet and will gather additional information by researching through the internet. Students will be required to develop a power point that will be presented during class time. This will require that students have access to computers in order to gather information through the internet. The information will come from the teacher's edition of World History Patterns of Interaction.
Internet Resources: www.ushistory.org
Multimedia Components:
(Two of these are required) 0 Video clip(s) 1 Internet site activity
0 Word Processing activity
1 PowerPoint presentationStudent Assessment:
Students will have to develop a power point with nine slides reflecting three parts of the American Revolution. First part will be dealing with the reasoning for independence, the second part will be the war it's self and the finally section will concentrate on creation of the Constitution. Students will demonstrate their ability to use technology by researching through the internet and then by creating a presentation in power point format. The assignment will reflect the material covered in today's lesson plan.