Grade: Middle

#4449. Your Mind's Eye on Paper

Reading/Writing, level: Middle
Posted Mon Nov 1 20:02:40 PDT 2010 by John Tusken (John Tusken).
Geneva Middle School South, Geneva, USA
Materials Required: Video clips, writing materials
Activity Time: 45 min
Concepts Taught: Elaboration, Descriptive Detail

1. To make students aware of how details make a story come alive
2. To illustrate the difference between simple and uninteresting "telling" vs. strong image based "showing" in writing.

Students with little to no practice or experience crafting the telling of a story with vivid details and strong verb usage have difficulty seeing a difference between what they see in their head and what they put down on paper. This activity is meant to be used as preparation for actual story writing with a focus on interesting imagery and strong verb usage.

Materials Used:
Teacher- Two similar video clips projected from a computer onto a screen or played on a TV, one sample writing based on one of the video clips
*Note These are the clips I used, feel free to use others that you feel your students would be able to connect to
Student- Writing materials

1. Teacher displays first video clip for students to view
2. Teacher gives sample writing of a one sentence retelling of video clip
3. First video clip is watched again
4. Teacher gives a three sentence retelling of the video clip
5. First video clip is viewed final time
6. Teacher gives a five sentence paragraph retelling video with strong adjective, noun, and verb usage
7. Teacher displays second video clip
8. Students are instructed to write a one sentence retelling of second clip
9. Second video clip is watched again
10. Students are instructed to write a three sentence retelling of the clip
11. Second video clip is viewed final time
12. Students are directed to write a five sentence paragraph retelling the clip using strong adjectives, nouns, and verbs
13. Have students pair up of get in small groups to share their writing.