#4458. Rhyme Time

Reading/Writing, level: Kindergarten
Posted Sun Sep 19 08:34:22 PDT 2010 by Brian Foster (Brian Foster).
Concepts Taught: Rhyming

Rhyme Time
This is a fun lesson for Kindergarteners that will reinforce rhyming skills. This lesson is designed to take approximately two hours but can be done over the course of two sessions. This lesson will appeal to visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic learners.
Incorporated Virginia SOLs:
K.1 The student will demonstrate growth in the use of oral language.
a) Listen to a variety of literary forms, including stories and poems.
b) Participate in choral speaking and recite short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns.
c) Participate in creative dramatics.
d) Begin to discriminate between spoken sentences, words, and syllables.
e) Recognize rhyming words.
f) Generate rhyming words in a rhyming pattern.

I have designed this lesson with limited resources in mind. For this lesson you will need:
1) Popsicle sticks (one per student)
2) Rhyming picture cards (number of pictures = number of students) (one set per student + 1)
3) A rhyming book such as:
a. Trash Trucks by Daniel
b. A Giraffe and a Half by Shel Silverstein
c. Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss
d. Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
e. Is Your Mama a Llama by Deborah Guarino
4) Scissors / Glue / Crayons
5) Foldable Templates (one set per student)
6) Plastic bags (one per student)
Whole Group / Warm Up:
Call all of the students together and have them sit in a circle. First ask the students to tell you what rhyming means. (When words end the same) Tell them they are going to be rhyme detectives and that whenever they detect a rhyming pair of words they have to touch their noses to show that they've found it. Tell them to get their detective fingers ready (by holding it in the air) and recite a rhyming pair of words. Make sure that between each word they are raising their fingers back in the air. In this way you will be able to informally assess the students' understanding of this skill.
Whole Group / Read Aloud:
At this point you should read your chosen rhyming text to the children. Tell the children to take their detective fingers back out. Remind them to touch their noses whenever they hear a rhyming word. Stop frequently to ask the students if they can think of any other words that rhyme with the pairs they detected. Nonsense words are totally acceptable answers for these rhyming activities!
Whole Group / Rhyming Name Game:
Tell them to put away their detective fingers and get ready to play the "Name Game". Ask them if they notice anything about "Name" and "Game". (Those words rhyme!) Explain the game as follows:
a) The teacher will start by saying, "I'm Mr. Foster" then point to the person to his right and say "This is my friend Boster!"
b) The student to the right will say "No! I'm Brian" point to the person on his right and say "This is my friend Flian!"
c) The next student will protest, "No! I'm Julia" point to the next person "This is my friend Tulia!"
d) You can go around the circle as many times as you wish, reminding the students to come up with new beginnings to their rhyme names every time.
Math Connection:
At this point you may ask the students if they notice any patterns in the rhyming name game.
Independent / Rhyming Twin Pictures
Have the students fold a piece of paper "hamburger" style. Have them open up their papers and draw a line on the fold. Have them write or dictate their name on the top of the left side of the paper. Tell the students to draw a picture of themselves on that side of the paper. Now have the students write or dictate a silly rhyming name on the bottom right of the paper. Tell the students that this is the name of their rhyming twin. Their rhyming twin should look a lot like them, but have some differences. Have the students draw a picture of their rhyming twin.
Students who finish early may draw details in their pictures using rhyming words. For example, the picture of themselves could have a cat, the picture of their rhyming twin could have a bat.
Whole Group / Sharing
Have the students come to the carpet and share what they have created. Allow the students to talk about the details in their pictures.
NOTE: This may be an appropriate place to stop if you intend to do this lesson over a two day period. If you are returning to the lesson on another day, it is advisable to begin with a Whole Group review of rhyming either by playing the Rhyming Name Game, reading another book, or simply playing rhyming detectives at their seats.
Whole Group / Access Prior Knowledge
If you have chosen to do this lesson in a two day period, you will want to call the students to whole group and have them talk about what they have learned about rhyming. Ask them what they did during the last lesson. It may be beneficial to play the rhyming name game or the rhyming detective game. You may also want to read another rhyming book.
Independent / Rhyming Match Cards:
Have the children return to their seats. Ask them to color and then cut out the rhyming cards. When they have completed cutting, assess their knowledge of rhyming. Ask them to show you which pictures make rhyming pairs. Have them say the names of the pictures as they match them. Provide the student with a plastic zip lock bag with their name on it. Students who complete this task early may flip over their cards and play Rhyming Memory, trying to flip over matching pairs. Once they have found a match, they may put the pair into the bag. They may repeat this game several times if they wish.
Independent / Eight Door Foldable
Hand out the foldable templates to the students. Depending on how well your students do with cutting and folding, you may want to assist them in this part of the activity! Explain that they have to cut on the dotted lines and fold on the solid lines.
Give the students the bags with their rhyming cards. Have the students glue a card onto the front of the door. Have them glue the matching rhyme to the space inside the door. For more advanced students, you can have them write out the ending on the inside of the door. ( -an for can/fan, -at for bat/hat). You can also use the empty space on the inside of the door to have the students draw a picture of another word that rhymes with that pair.
You may have extra pairs left over when you are finished with your foldable. These may be discarded or saved for future rhyming activities.
Whole Group Wrap-Up Game / Rhyming Match Dash:
This activity would be best outdoors, but can be done in the classroom as well. Substitute "dashing" for "quietly walking" for indoor use. Prepare a set of rhyming cards. You may wish to laminate this set, but it is not necessary to complete the activity. Attach each card to a popsicle stick.
Give each student a popsicle stick. Allow them time to look at their own picture and look at the pictures that their friends have. Tell the students that you are going to play (or sing) some music and while the music is playing they are to dash around on the blacktop holding their sticks. When the music stops, they must tip toe silently to find the student with the picture that rhymes with their picture. Once they have found their pair, they are to sit down and hold up their sticks. Collect the sticks and redistribute them to different children to play multiple rounds of this game.