Grade: all
Subject: other

#4469. Learning Time is Quiet Time

other, level: all
Posted Sat Nov 13 06:10:14 PST 2010 by daniele hinckley (daniele hinckley).
Osceola Middle School, Seminole - Pinellas
Materials Required: listed in lesson plan-social stories link attached
Activity Time: 1 class period 40 minutes
Concepts Taught: based on planned ignoring strategy-students learn about disruptive noises

(Used With Permission From
Daniele Hinckley -- Autism Spectrum Disorder Teacher

Lesson Plan Title: Learning Time is Quiet Time!
Concept / Topic To Teach: Social Skills lesson that students learn to stay on task by completing their academic task quietly (without making inappropriate noises that disrupts the classroom).
General Goal(s): The students are give three different social stories that teachers the importance of staying quiet in the classroom during instructional time.

Specific Objectives: Given 3 social stories and visual card (raise hand) and (help), the students will demonstrate appropriate ways to gain the teachers attention without making inappropriate noises.

Required Materials: Social Stories (raise hand, quiet mouth, and working quietly), t-chart graphic organizer, reflection sheet.
Website for Social Stories: click on quiet mouth and raising hand. T-Chart website:
Behavior Reflection Form:

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): The teacher starts the lesson by role playing with the classroom assistant. The teacher pretends to give directions for the assistant complete a task, but the assistant makes humming noises while the teacher is talking to her. The teacher looks at the class and asks: What just happened, was Ms. C listening to Ms. H when Ms. Hinckley was talking? The students should raise their hand and talk about the role play that they just watched. Every student needs a turn.
Step-By-Step Procedures:
The teacher then brings the class to the round table for a social skills group lesson. Each student is given a blank t-chart graphic organizer. The teacher will use the graphic organizer to compare and contrast "quiet" "noises". The student will brainstorm and the teacher will model by using a poster board to show what to write in the graphic organizer. For example, after students say noises stops us from learned and quiet helps us understand what the teacher is saying, the teacher would write this information in the poster board so every student could copy the answer if he/she needed.
After students understand the important of not making inappropriate noises in the classroom, the teacher would use social stories about being quiet and one about raising hand. The teacher would read the story with the class and each student would be given a copy of the story.
Students would also learn that they can use visual cards (raise hand) (Please Help!)when they want to ask a question. The teacher would also tell students the teacher will use a (wait) card to show students in case she is providing important instruction that cannot be interrupted. Student go back to their sit to complete a 2 sentences writing activity that they learned about being quiet. They can use their t-chart graphic organizer to get ideas if they are not able to write without prompts.
The teacher would them talk to the target student who displays the disruptive noise making behavior. The teacher would let the student know "planned ignoring" is a strategy that will be use when he/she engages in noise making. The teacher would tell the student what kinds of noises he/she is making and explain to the student that when he/she engages in this inappropriate behavior he is not able to stay on-task and learn, and it also disrupts the students and teachers. The teacher would model again to this student how the visual cues can be used or he/she can raise his/her hand for help or questions. The teacher would also give this student a reflection sheet so when any time he displays 8 or more incidents of disruptive behavior (noise) he will have to complete the reflection sheet as part of his self-monitoring activity.