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Grade: 3-5
Subject: Mathematics
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Teacher: Mrs. Reed Subject: Time Requirement:
Grade Level: Period: Math Date:Content Standards: (Wyoming)
MA4.2.1 Students classify and describe 2- and 3- dimensional geometric objects by their attributes (sides, edges, vertices, and faces).
MA4.3.2 Students select and apply appropriate U.S. customary units (ounces and pounds) to the estimation and measurement of weight in real-world problems using actual measuring devices.
MA4.3.3 Students select and apply appropriate U.S. customary units (teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, pints, quarts, and gallons) to the estimation and measurement of capacity in real-world problems using actual measuring devices.
MA4.3.5 Students determine area and perimeter of rectangles and squares using models in problem-solving situations.
SC4.1.7 Students classify objects by properties that can be observed, measured, and recorded, including color, shape, size, weight, volume, texture, and temperature.
SC4.2.2 Students use the inquiry process to conduct simple scientific investigations.
Collect and organize data.
Use data to construct simple graphs, charts, diagrams, and/or models.
Draw conclusions and accurately communicate results, making connections to daily life.
Pose or identify questions and make predictions.
Conduct investigations to answer questions and check predictions.
Instructional Objectives:
Students will complete an origami box, following posted and teacher instructions.
Students will identify parallel lines, perpendicular lines, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and various other geometric figures.
Technology Integration:
Screen, overhead classroom projector, ELMO or other projection hardwareMaterials:
Scrapbook paper or cardstock or greeting cards, scissors, glue, markers, examples (at least 15), marbles, cotton balls, five measuring cups of thick "liquid" (pudding, honey, unchilled jello are all good), large plastic containers, small classroom/postal scalesAdaptations:
Students will have an assistant teacher to help with explanations.Procedures:
Hand out papers to each student, or have them bring a greeting card from home (size isn't overly important, as long as it is large enough to work with).
Post instructions on ELMO onto screen, but let students know that this will be done step-by-step as a class, with the teacher working along with them.
*follow instructions on attached sheet
Prior to gluing down final tabs, have students open their paper back up and lay it flat. Be sure they have the "inside" of their box facing up, so that identified geometric figures will not show later.
Each student will then identify:
Parallel line
Perpendicular line
Acute angle
Right angle
After each student has identified the above figures, they will then refold the paper and glue down the final tabs.
Once initial box has been completed, bring out two previously made examples, marbles, and cotton balls. Students will break into four groups and make hypothesis about how many marbles/cotton balls the boxes will hold.
Hand out two previously made boxes and two large plastic containers to each group. Have each group measure how many marbles one will hold before it breaks. Once the box breaks, have students gather, count, and weigh their marbles, then record the result and compare to hypothesis.
Have students fill the second box with cotton balls until they will no longer stay "in". Once no more cotton balls will stay in, have the students count the cotton balls and compare with original hypothesis.
Students will then measure the volume of the box using centimeters or inches, as they prefer. They will then estimate how much liquid (in cups) the box will hold.
Hand out cups of chosen liquid to each group and have them measure (using fractions and subtraction) how much the box actually holds and compare to original estimate.
Break up groups and discuss how student's estimates compared to the actual measurements. Then use chalk/whiteboard to create graphs comparing each group's findings.Assessment/Evaluation:
Correct identification of geometric figures prior to gluing final tabs.
Box looks similar to example.
Compare estimates/hypothesis to actual.
Classroom and group participation.Follow-up Activities:
Students will be given another piece of paper and instructions to complete the other part of their box.*"attached sheet" is copied from the Junior Girl Scout Handbook, p. 158-159