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Grade: 1-2
Subject: Mathematics
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Unit: Money Lesson #1
Lesson Title: What's all this Money Madness? Grade: 2nd
Subject: Math Designer: Linda Hawthorne
Stage 1 -- Desired Results
Established Goals: Math SOL 2.10 The student will:
(a) Count and compare a collection of pennies, dimes, and quarters whose total value is $2.00 or less; and
(b) Correctly use the cent symbol (ข), dollar symbol ($), and decimal point (.)
Essential Understandings:
Students will understand that. . .
Today money is paper bills and coins that are worth something to us
Money is necessary in our society today to get our needs and wants.
Essential Questions:
What is money?
Why is money important?
How do the units of money (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar) relate to each other?
Is there only one way to make a certain amount of money?Students will know. . .
The monetary value of our coins and bills
The different ways you can express an amount of money
Money is expressed with symbols for cents and dollars.
Students will be able to. . .
Recognize the importance of money in their lives
Identify the measurable and visual attributes of various coins to express differences
Use the cent (ข) and dollar ($) symbols and decimal point (.) to write a value of money under $2.00Stage 2 -- Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:Other Evidence:
Pretest to determine what students retained from 1st grade and to guide further lessons
Informal checks of discussions after read-aloud and video
Observations of students' understanding of Smart board exerciseStage 3 -- Learning Plan
1. Greet students at the door with the ฝ sheet (front and back) pre-test to complete. Review each quickly as they are turned into you. Have copies of The Coin Counting Book by Rozanne Lanczak Williams for students to read while others are finishing. W
2. Form discussion group on the floor. Ask students to think about why money is important as you read aloud Money Madness by David A. Alder (you could omit the portion that talks about the changing value of a country's money). W
3. Question and discuss with the class these questions:
What is money? (It is paper dollars and coins that are worth something to us)
Why do people have and want money? (Because they can buy things with it)
Do their parents have ways of earning money? Do they have ways of earning money?
Explain that we going to be counting money so that we are sure when we go to buy something that we have enough money and if we are due change, we will know that we are getting the correct change back. W H
4. Tell the students that they are going to watch an Annie and Moby video from Brain Pop Jr. and you want them to look for the answer to this question: Is there only one way to make a certain amount of money? Show video "Dollars and Cents" from Brain Pop Jr. website (http://www.brainpopjr.com/math/dollarsandcents) on the Smart board as a brief review of the coins and their values. E
5. Think-Pair-Share: Students turn to the person beside them and discuss something that the video taught them or reminded them of for a minute.
6. Class discussion: Call on two or three students to either share something that they discussed with their partner or something that their partner shared with them. Ask the student if there is only one way to make a certain amount of money? Ask for examples to show that there can be many ways to make the same amount of money. For example, ask a volunteer to tell which coins they would use to make 20ข and then ask for other examples to make 20ข. R
7. Pass out a baggie to each student that contains a total of one penny, one nickel, one dime, and one quarter and ask the students to look at the coins. Ask for student volunteers to explain what is on the coins and why are they on them. E
8. Explain to the students that money can be expressed with the cent symbol (ข) or the dollar symbol ($) with a decimal (.). Ask for a volunteer to tell you what the value of a quarter is, and then you write both 25ข and $.25 on the blackboard. Continue to do this with the other coins, going down in value and ask why there are always two place values after the decimal. Ask the students if they notice any patterns (money to the hundredths place). E
9. Pass out a copy of the coin Word document to each student on clipboards with pencils and project the document onto the Smart board. Call on students to complete the rows, directly writing on the Smart board, one student writing the value of the money in cents (ข) and another student writing to express the amount using the dollar symbol ($). When complete, have students glue this sheet into the next empty page of their math journals. R E-2Materials Needed
Multiple copies of The Coin Counting Book by Rozanne Lanczak Williams
The book Money Madness by David A. Alder
Smart Board with internet connection
A baggie with one penny, one nickel, one dime, and one quarter for each student in class
Copies of the attached coin Word document on clip board for each student and document projected onto Smart board