Grade: 3-5
Subject: Language

#4599. Fact and Opinion

Language, level: 3-5
Posted Sun Apr 29 16:32:46 PDT 2012 by Jefhreen Laskar (Jefhreen Laskar).
Hunter College, Sunnyside, NY
Materials Required: Stuffed Animal, 2 worksheets, board
Activity Time: about 45 minutes
Concepts Taught: Fact and Opinion

Jefhreen Laskar Fact or Opinion Lesson
Teaching Objective:
• Define fact and opinion
• Sort sentences into fact or opinion
• Generate a fact or opinion when asked
Teacher Direction: Students will be seated on the rug. I will ask students, "Can anyone tell us or remember what a fact is?" After hearing student's answers, I will then write the definition of fact on the board. The definition written will be: Facts: Information that is true. Facts can be proven or checked. I will then give an example of a fact such as: Alley's shirt is yellow. I will ask the class if that fact is true. I will also explain that facts can be false or true. Then I will try to transition from learning about facts to learning the meaning of an opinion. I will turn the fact Alley's shirt is yellow into an opinion by saying, "Alley's yellow shirt is pretty". I will then write the definition of opinion on the board: Opinion: what someone thinks, feels, ore believes.
Guided Instruction: I will have a T-chart on the board. The 2 columns on the T-chart will be labeled Fact and Opinion. I will bring out something tactile such as a stuffed animal and ask the class for a fact about the stuffed animal. I will choose a student to give me a fact. I will write that fact on the chart below the fact column. Then I will ask the class to turn that fact into an opinion. I will choose a student for that answer and write it on the board. I will try to ask at least 12 opinion or fact questions about the stuffed animal so every student has a chance to answer. I will also try to ask the students to give me a true fact about the stuffed animal, and a false fact about the stuffed animal. After we're done filling in the chart, I will show students 2 worksheets.
Independent Practice: Students will return to their seats. They will be provided 2 worksheets.
Worksheet # 1: The directions will prompt students to choose a season: winter, spring, summer or fall. Write 2 facts about your season. Then turn the facts into opinions. A sheet will have a chart with 4 boxes. The top 2 boxes will be labeled Fact 1 and Opinion 1. The bottom 2 will be labeled Fact 2 and Opinion 2. There will be a text box between the fact and opinion boxes that say to turn the fact into an opinion.
Worksheet # 2: Read each statement. Write an "F" in the box if the statement is a fact. Write an "O" in the box if the statement is an opinion. The worksheet will display a key box that shows students to write "F" for fact and "O" for opinion. There will be 9 sentences for students to determine if it is a fact or opinion.
Closing/ Share Out: Students will return to the rug. I will display another T-chart labeled fact and opinion. I will ask students about the facts and opinions they generated during independent practice. I will write them down on the chart. I will try to write an answer from all the students in the class.
Name: _______________________ Date:______________
Directions: Choose a season: winter, spring, summer or fall. Write 2 facts about your season on the chart. Then, turn the facts into opinions!
What is your season?
Fact 1:

Opinion 1:

Fact 2:

Opinion 2:

Name: _____________________________ Date:_________________
Directions: Read each statement. Write an "F" in the box if the statement is a fact. Write an "O" in the box if the statement is an opinion.



Challenge: Write a fact and an opinion about classroom.