Grade: all

#4697. Are You Ready for the Test?

, level: all
Posted 03/26/2013 by Rochelle (Rochelle).
Lynnfield, USA
Materials Required: construction paper for "bricks", Smartboard or projector connected to a PC, computer lab
Activity Time: 3-8 class periods, 30 minutes per period
Concepts Taught: Standardized Test Prep

Are You Ready for the Test?
Compete, Review, and Build. . .Brick by Brick!

• Reviews key concepts in the weeks before standardized testing
• Targets curriculum areas where students are struggling before standardized testing

Subject Area: Science and Math

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Class Time: 30 minutes a day for 5 days (week before standardized testing)

Grade Levels: 3 - 8

Grade wide Competition : 3 to 8 classes

Whole class, teacher-led instruction OR computer lab setting

JogNog for: Review, Competition, and Test Prep

Featured JogNog Towers: 3,4,5 MCAS Prep
6,7,8 MCAS Prep
Free! Review towers for grade-levels in math and science (as determined by instructors)
(Cost: FREE using JogNog Class Code PDEKAR7)

• "Bricks" for towers (each class gets its own color) -- cut rectangles out of construction paper
• Large area of open wall space to build "towers"

• Smartboard or projector connected to PC OR
• Computer lab with enough workstations for students to work alone or with partners

Common Core Standards:

MCAS prep questions use actual questions from past MCAS tests
FREE! Review towers align with each Common Core Standard

Students will:
• Play a variety of JogNog MCAS games to review key concepts for the test
• Compete between classrooms to successfully complete as many JogNog review towers as possible in one week. The classroom whose tower is completed first wins.

• Teachers within team or grade-level decide which JogNog review towers will be selected for the competition
• To play JogNog, go to and click on the "Class" tab. Enter the code mentioned above to join a class and play for FREE.
• Teachers will work with their students to complete each game either as a class (projected on a Smartboard) using "majority rules" to vote for each answer or with students playing individually in a computer lab
• After each class completes one game, they will be given a "brick" (construction paper rectangle) in a specific color
• The class is encouraged to work together to write down on the brick a fact that they learned while playing that JogNog tower
• Bricks are displayed in a common area or hallway, giving each classroom its own spot to build its tower
• Teachers can decide what dimensions to give the towers based upon the number of games chosen to play. A shadow or outline for the towers can also be created for classrooms to fill in with their "bricks"
• The first classroom to successfully complete their tower wins the competition
• Classes are also encouraged to design a flag for the top of their towers

