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Grade: 3-5
Subject: Mathematics
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*Student spirals for notes and VVWA graphic organizer
*Pattern blocks
*Power point about transformations
*brain pop video http://www.brainpop.com/math/geometryandmeasurement/transformation/
*Eiki machine/projector
*Crayons or colored pencils
*Graph paper
*Book, " What is Symmetry in Nature?" By Bobbie Kalman. (optional)
*construction paper
*stapler (for teacher use only)
4-5 hours (4-5 days) (time, activities, and materials may be modified as needed)
1 hour:
Hook (5 minutes): The teacher will relate transformations to the movie transformers or the transformer toy. This will help students build a connection between the transformation and the change that shapes go through.
Teacher Input (15 minutes): The teacher will introduce the terms transformation and the three different types, translation, rotation, and reflection using a power point with the word, definition, and visual of each. While introducing each transformation the teacher will have students use TPR. For the transformation, translation a gesture of the sliding of a hand in a horizontal, vertical, and diagonal direction will be used. For rotation, another type of transformation, a gesture of turning the index finger in a circular manner will be utilized. For reflection, another type of transformation, a gesture of flipping a hand will be used.
Think Pair Share during teacher input (15 minutes): Students will share the learned gestures and what they are learning about the word transformation and the three different types of transformations, translation, rotations, and reflection with a partner.
Independent (25 minutes): The student will create a VVWA graphic organizer (Vocabulary word, Visual, and word association) for a transformation and the three different types, translation, rotation, reflection.
1 hour:
Hook (5 minutes): The teacher will review transformations concepts using the power point with related definitions and visuals and TPR (learned gestures for each transformation type).
Teacher Input (15 minutes): Using the eiki machine and projector the teacher will model and draw the actual transformations using pattern blocks of any shape or choice on a piece of graph paper. She will demonstrate the transformation by placing any type of pattern block shape and drawing it on the left side of the y axis line of the graph paper. To demonstrate the transformation of a rotation for instance she will give the pattern block a turn in any direction making sure the shape stays on a given point. After making at least one rotation of the shape she will draw the shape again where the turn left it. The original shape drawing should be traced with a certain color while the new changed shape should be traced with a different color. The same demonstration should be done for the translation and reflection transformations.
Think Pair Share during teacher input (15 minutes):
After each demonstration students will share with each other what the teacher did and what just happened to each shape after the transformations were done.
Cooperative Group Practice: (25 minutes):
Students will use different pattern block shapes to demonstrate the three different types of transformations. They will use a graph paper to draw their transformations and to trace and emphasize the original and changed shape crayons or colored pencils should be used.
1 hour:
Hook (20 minutes): The teacher will read the book, " What is Symmetry in Nature?" by Bobbie Kalman and will have a short discussion with students about symmetry and congruent shapes. The teacher will briefly engage students as a whole class in the discussion of how organisms are able to survive in their environment due to their inherited traits, such as the color and patterns of a butterfly. This can be done along the identification of symmetry in insects and animals.
Teacher Input (15 minutes): The teacher will review transformations, symmetry, and congruency as a whole class.
Think Pair Share during teacher input (15 minutes): The students will be given the opportunity to review transformations, symmetry, and congruency with a partner.
Independent (10 min): The student will create a VVWA graphic organizer (Vocabulary word, Visual, and word association) of the new learned words, symmetry and congruency.
1 hour:
Hook (5 minutes): The teacher will show a brain pop video of transformations and symmetry as a final review.
Teacher Input (5 minutes): The teacher will discuss the video with students as a whole class.
Independent (50 min): The students will create a booklet of transformations along with symmetry and congruency of 5 shapes using constructions paper, copy paper, pencils, colored pencils or crayons, scissors, and staples (teacher will staple as students are completing their booklets.)
30 minutes:
The students will present their finished booklet of transformations and symmetry to the class.