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Grade: 1-2
Subject: Reading/Writing
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5-E Lesson Plan
Your Name: Meagen Esquivel
Grade Level: First Subject Area: ELAR
Lesson Title: There was an old lady who was not afraid of anything- sequencing Lesson Length: 1 Day
The Teaching Process
Lesson Overview:
TEKS/ELPS: 110.12(B)
(9) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:
(A) describe the plot (problem and solution) and retell a story's beginning, middle, and end with attention to the sequence of events;
Lesson Objective (A,B,C,D):The students will be able to sequence the order of the events independently and in large groups in the correct order with 100% accuracy.
List of Materials/Resources:
• The book The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams
• a shirt
• a pair of shoes
• a hat
• a pair of gloves
• a pair of pants
• a pumpkin head
• Story stick activity (enough for three groups)
• scarecrow labeling activity
Instructional Sequence
Phase One: Engage the Learner
These activities mentally engage students with an event or question. Engagement activities capture students' interest and help them to make connections with what they know and can do. The teacher provides an orientation to the lesson and assesses students¹ prior understanding of the concepts addressed in the unit.
Teacher will review with the students about sequencing. It is an order of events that happen in a story or in our lives. Teacher will explain to the students that The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams is a sequencing book and encourage the students to listen for the events throughout the book. As a class, teacher will introduce the different articles of clothing: a shirt, a pair of shoes, a hat, a pair of gloves, a pair of pants, and pumpkin head. This will ensure that the students know what each item is. TW explain to the students that these items are props to the story and will be used while she reads. TW do interactive reading and have students follow her as they "walk through the woods" finding the props along the way.
What's the teacher doing?
TW read the book The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams. TW be walking around the classroom pretending to be walking through the woods. Teacher will find the props throughout the class.
What are the students doing?
SW listen to the story and the sequence of events through the book and follow the teacher around the classroom.
Phase Two: Explore the Concept
Students encounter hands-on experiences in which they explore the concept further. They receive little explanation and few terms at this point, because they are to define the problem or phenomenon in their own words. The purpose at this stage of the model is for students to acquire a common set of experiences from which they can help one another make sense of the concept. Students must spend significant time during this stage of the model talking about their experiences, both to articulate their own understanding and to understand another's viewpoint.
Students will be divided into small groups of 3-4. There will be a total of 6 groups. Half the small groups will do story stick activity the other half will do scarecrow labeling activity. After the groups are done, they will switch.
What's the teacher doing?
TW divide the student into groups of 3-4. TW designate which groups will do which activity. TW walk around the class and assist groups as needed.
What are the students doing?
SW be working in their small groups and participating in completion of the activity they have been assigned to do.
Phase Three: Explain and Define Key Concepts
Only after students have explored the concept does the curriculum and/or teacher provide an explanation of the concept using diverse instructional strategies to convey what they are studying. The teacher may present the concepts via lecture, demonstration, reading, or multimedia (video, computer-based). Students then complete activities to deepen their learning of the concept and to examine mentally how this explanation fits with what they already know.
What's the teacher doing?
TW show the sequence of events video:
What are the students doing?
SW watch the sequence of events video.
Phase Four: Elaborate the Concept
Students practice and demonstrate their understanding of the concept. They are given opportunities to apply the concept in unique situations, or they are given related ideas to explore and explain using the information and experiences they have accumulated so far. Cooperative discussions between the students are essential during the elaboration stage. By discussing their ideas with others, students can construct a deeper understanding of the concepts.
In small groups of 3-4, students will work on the out of order worksheet (jack o lantern).
What's the teacher doing?
TW walk around the class assisting the small groups as needed.
What are the students doing?
SW be working in their small groups to complete the out of order worksheet(jack o lantern).
Phase Five: Evaluate Students' Understanding of Concept
The final stage of the model has a dual purpose. It is designed for the students to continue to elaborate on their understanding and to evaluate what they know now and what they have yet to figure out. Evaluation of student understanding should take place throughout all phases of the instructional model. The evaluate stage, however, is when the teacher determines the extent to which students have developed a meaningful understanding of the concept.
SW create their own sequencing book using a blank booklet on a topic they chose off the topic list.
Topic List:
Making a sandwich
Washing a pet
Making your bed
Brushing your teeth
TW already have the sequence clue words written on the board.
What's the teacher doing?
TW walk around to make sure the students are on task and to assist when needed.
TW assess the students by their books to determine if they grasp the concept of sequencing.
What are the students doing?
SW be creating their own sequencing book making sure they put their events in the correct order as well as using the sequence clue words. SW refer to the sequence clue words written on the board.
Special Circumstances
Accommodations/ Modifications
Enrichment Activities
Helpful websites: