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Grade: Middle
Subject: Reading/Writing
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"No News Like Ancient News"Introduction
You have just been hired as the chief editor and writer of the Delta Daily Tabloid (The Newspaper all of Greece depends upon). You are also aware that many of readers are completely in the dark in regards to which of the many gods and goddess is responsible for which actions. Some of your readers have no idea why there are four seasons or how the various constellations of stars came into being. Your task is to inform the population of Greece of the truth.The Task
Your task is to complete the following assignments:
Call up and read a minimum of two (2) websites to complete the chart "Residents of Olympus".
Evaluate the two websites you visited above.
Pick one Greek god or goddess to research more completely, then write a character sketch of this person.
Choose from a list of stories one event to retell as a news article.
Write either an editorial or a letter to the editor giving your opinion of the event you described.The Process
1. Pick a partner with whom you can work.
2. Using the internet, go to at least two of the following sites:
3. After reading through the sites, complete the Site Evaluation Form for two of them. You should then use the site(s) of your choice to complete the "Residents of Olympus" Chart. Each of you needs to complete the chart. But you should work on it together.
4. Now select one of the Greek gods or goddesses and research him/her further. You need to find enough information to write a brief (5-6 sentence) character sketch. (For extra credit, you may include a drawing of what you think your character looks like).
A helpful site for this portion of the project is http://www.fgsd.winnipeg.mb.ca/vmc/swaweb/myth/sbmyth1.htm. Once you find this, you will be asked to select one god/goddess for additional information. (Remember plagiarism in against all laws. So put your sketch into your own words.)
5. Next read at least three of the following "stories" from Greek mythology (You of course may read as many as you desire) by calling them up at the named address. Choose one and compose a short news story telling what happened. For purposes of this project, assume the event took place last Thursday. (I like Thursdays.) This may be done by either of you, or you may work on it together. (For extra credit, another drawing of the event may be included.)Cupid & Psyche - http://www.mindspring.com/~psybrgrrl/cupiand.html
Prometheus - http://www.desy.de/gna/interpedia/greek_myth/creationMan.html
Golden Fleece - http://www.csd4.k12.ny.us/WWWPages/RRJ99/Myths/The%20Golden%20Fleece/GoldenFl.html
Arachne & Athena - http://www.clarkson.edu/~zaferaag/lf310/arachne.html
Persephone - http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/articles/p/persephone.html
Demeter & Persophene - http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/areas/greek_heroic/
Arachne - http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/articles/a/arachne.html
Orion - http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/areas/greek_heroic/
Niobe - http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/areas/greek/
Adonis - http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/areas/greek/
Callisto - http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/areas/greek/6. Now pretend that you are a reader of the newspaper and have just read the article. You should write a letter to the editor giving your reaction to what has happened.
As the editor, write an editorial trying convince others to agree with your
opinion of the event.
7. All written work should be published using a word processor and turned in as a completed project.
8. For additional practice in using the Internet, use the following on-line dictionary for words you do not know:
(If/when you use this, you will be asked to type the word you want defined. Do so, then hit enter and a definition will appear.)Evaluation
Each news story, editorial, and character sketch will be evaluated with a rubric created by your language arts teacher. Grammatical correctness and proper spelling will be included in this rubric.
The Chart will be checked for accuracy and correctness.Conclusion
Congratulations. Your newspaper readers were quite impressed with your efforts. They have learned "the truth" regarding at least one of your Greek gods and have been informed of what actually happened and not just some rumor. It is hoped that you will continue with your study even though your job on the newspaper staff may be ended.
Residents of Olympus
Greek Name Realm Roman Name
Sky, Thunderbolt; Chief God Jupiter
Goddess of women; wife of Zeus Juno
Poseidon Neptune
Hades Underworld
Wisdom Minerva
The Hearth Vesta
Messenger of the Gods
Dionysis Bacchus
Goddess of Love
God of Love
Moon and Hunt
Hephaestus Fire and Metalwork
Apollo Light, Healing, Archery
Goddess of Crops Ceres
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Using at least one of the following Internet sites, complete the above table. You may have to use more than one, depending upon the site you choose.