Grade: Senior
Subject: Literature

#492. The Crucible

Literature, level: Senior
Posted Fri Jun 11 14:40:26 PDT 1999 by Kimmy Smith (
The Crucible Lesson
Bell City High School., Bell City, LA
Materials Required: Copies of the Play, Lesson, access to the internet
Activity Time: It is a three day lesson

This lesson is really, really long and can best be view at the following address. It contains an Internet scavenger hunt, vocabulary, sample essay questions, and short answer questions suitable for the unit. I will be adding a word search, and if I ever figure out how to zip files, a Power Point presentation.
TLW develop basic vocabulary.

{1-H3; 3-H1, 3; 7-H1}

TLW use context clues and structural analysis. (root words, prefixes, suffixes to determine meanings of unfamiliar words)

{1-H1; 4-H6}

TLW analyze complex literary elements. (plot, character, setting, theme, mood, tone, style, and point of view)

{1-H2, 5; 2-H5, 6; 3-H1-3; 6-H1-3; 7-H3}

TLW recognize and understand the use of symbolism and allusions in a literary selection.

{1-H2, 3; 2-H1, 4; 3-H1-3; 6-H2; 7-H1}

TLW determine main idea, relevant details, outcomes, and methods of development in a variety of written materials.

{1-H3, 5; 2-H6; 3-H1-3; 7-H1}

TLW relate what is read to personal experiences or feelings.

{1-H3, 4; 2-H6; 3-H1-3; 7-H2}

TLW distinguish between fact and opinion.

{1-H5; 7-H4}

TLW explain the characteristics that distinguish different literary forms. (fiction, drama, poetry, novels)

{4-H4; 6-H3, 4; 7-H2}

TLW use comprehension and reasoning strategies. (compare and contrast, generate inquiry, and make connections to other literature and history texts.)

{1-H3; 7-H1}

Day 1: Give terms, background, and conduct internet search handout.
Drama terms needed:

Allegory-underlying meaning may be moral, religious, political, or satire
Allusion-reference to a historical or fictional character, place, event, or to another work that the writer assumes the reader will recognize

Audience-people reading the story

Carpe Diem-seize the day

Censorship-suppressing or deleting portions of plays or other written works

Character-person in a literary work

Climax-crisis or turning point in the play

Conflict-struggle between opposing forces

Drama-literary work written in dialogue to be performed by actors

Genre-type of literary work

History Play-play centered on historical events

Mood-prevailing attitude in a literary work

Setting-time and place of the action