Grade: Elementary
Subject: Language
Variation One: The object of this game is to diagnose a medical condition
correctly. Ask one student to step out of the room. This student becomes the
doctor. Assign a particular medical condition to the remaining students (i.e.
cold, broken arm, stomach ache, food poisoning, heart attack). Allow the
doctor to return. He must determine the problem by asking students yes/no
questions. ("Do you have a fever?" "Does your head hurt?" "Did you have an
accident?" and so forth.) Play until each student has had at least one
opportunity to be the doctor.Variation Two: The object of this game is to describe a medical condition accurately. Ask one student
to step out of the room. This student becomes the doctor. Assign a particular medical condition to the
remaining students (i.e. cold, broken arm, stomach ache, food poisoning, heart attack). Allow the doctor
to return. Each student must give a clue to the malady until the doctor has correctly diagnosed the
problem. ("I am a child." "I fell from a tree." "I landed on my right arm." "My right arm is very sore." "I
cannot move my right arm.")