Grade: all
Subject: Computer

#647. Digital Camera Lessons

Computer, level: all
Posted Mon Sep 21 11:25:47 PDT 2009 by Kari Crosman (Kari Crosman).
Pownal School, Pownal, USA
Materials Required: Digital Cameras

Here are my students' favorite digital camera lessons:

Gr. K-1
"Animal Habitats"
Talk about animals' habitats and how some can camouflage themselves with their surroundings. Give each student a plastic or cloth animal and have them find a good habitat and/or camouflaged area for their animal and then photograph it.

Gr. 2-5
"Digital Scavenger Hunt"
Create a scavenger hunt and have the students take photos of each item on the list. We do this as an end-of-year computer activity on the playground using attributes such as "a tree as tall as you" or "six kids on the swings" and then people have to be in the photographs.

Gr. 1-3
"Symmetry Hunt"
Take photos of items with symmetry for math class. Older kids can do a similar activity by taking photos of acute, obtuse, and right angles in the school.

Gr. 3
"A Day in My Life"
I send cameras home with each student to chronicle what they do in a typical 24-hour day. Download the photos and then have the kids make a 10-page story of their typical day in Powerpoint.

Gr. K-5
"Valentine Magnets or Ornaments"
We take photos of each student and print them out on glossy photo paper. The students then cut them out into shapes and glue them onto pre-cut (die-cut) shapes. Sometimes I use old holiday or greeting cards as free cardstock to use as the background. Students can also add glitter glue, stickers, or words. Have them sign and date their projects before laminating them. A drop of superglue and a magnet will create a refrigerator magnet worthy of Mother's Day; while a hole punch and nice piece of ribbon make an ornament.

Gr. 4-6
As staff members take photos of various class activities, I copy an extra set of the pictures to the students' shared space on the server. Then I create a template in Powerpoint for each of them to make 3 bookmarks. They look through the photos to find ones of themselves for their bookmarks and also add text and clip art. These are used for gifts around Mothers' & Fathers' Day.