Mi paํs
Select a Spanish speaking country for this project. You may work individually or in pairs.
Name(s): __________________________ Country Chosen: __________________________
Part I: Prepare a report which includes the following information. Country Area Land Use
Population Finance Production, Exports, Imports
Capital City Locate on a Map History of your country
Weather/Climate Tourism Agriculture
Cultural Aspect - see part II belowYou may choose to present this information in any of the following formats:
poster brochure
written report multi-media slideshowYou must also summarize the above information on a hand-out for your classmates.
Both your report and handout should be in Spanish.
Part II: Class WorkshopPick at least one of the following topics and investigate in detail for your project.
Dance Cultural Celebrations
Handicrafts Fashion
Music Food and cuisine
Murals Legends and folklorePlan a class workshop on your chosen area.
This workshop should be in Spanish.
A class workshop may include one of the following: learning a song or dance, participating in a cultural celebration, a cooking demonstration of regional cuisine, sharing of traditional folklore, demonstrating a regional craft, etc. Students should be actively participating in this workshop.
Report Due Date: December 5th, 1997 Workshop Date: ____________________
A detailed list of supplies needed for your workshop must be submitted to
Mrs. Roadley one week prior to your workshop date.Evaluation
Part I: Report
Research (25 marks)
accurate, current, complete
easy to understand
well organized, neatly done
diagram, map, picturesHandout (10 marks)
easy to read, point form, typed, well organized,Bibliography (5 marks)
minimum 3 sources
proper format, separate sheetSpanish - written (10 marks)
spelling, grammar
fluencyPart II: Workshop
Content (25 marks)
directions easy to understand
interesting, relevant
well organized
Spanish - oral (25 marks)
Total /100