Grade: all
Subject: other

#748. typing/puzzles

other, level: all
Posted Sun Dec 13 17:20:34 PST 1998 by Johnny Orgovan (
Concepts Taught: I type phrases and leave vowels out. My student is to figure out the words

1. Twx
2. Thr msktrs
3. Bttrfngr
4. Gmdrps
5. Jllybns
6. Sft drnk
7. C crm
8. Chclt chps
9. Ptt chps
10. Rsnts
11. Pydy
12. Cndy crn
13. Cttn cndy
14. Lf svrs
15. mnts

I take the vowels out, and have my students try to figure them out...