1. Twx2. Thr msktrs3. Bttrfngr4. Gmdrps5. Jllybns6. Sft drnk7. C crm8. Chclt chps9. Ptt chps10. Rsnts11. Pydy12. Cndy crn13. Cttn cndy14. Lf svrs15. mntsI take the vowels out, and have my students try to figure them out...
1. Twx2. Thr msktrs3. Bttrfngr4. Gmdrps5. Jllybns6. Sft drnk7. C crm8. Chclt chps9. Ptt chps10. Rsnts11. Pydy12. Cndy crn13. Cttn cndy14. Lf svrs15. mnts
I take the vowels out, and have my students try to figure them out...