Grade: 3-5
Subject: Science

#756. Elementary electronics

Science, level: 3-5
Posted Sun Nov 22 19:42:31 PST 2009 by SQUARE ().
Elementary Electronics, USA
Materials Required: Battery, Wire, Magnet, Some electronics component
Concepts Taught: Introducing Electronics

Learn about components of Electronics.

Identify electronic equipments used at home.

Describe how it works. And basic components used in those equipment.

Learn about components of Electronics.

Identify electronic equipments used at home.

Describe how it works. And basic components used in those equipment.

Learn about components of Electronics.

Identify electronic equipments used at home.

Describe how it works. And basic components used in those equipment.

Learn about components of Electronics.

Identify electronic equipments used at home.

Describe how it works. And basic components used in those equipment.