Grade: all
Subject: History

#797. Circle of Friends

History, level: all
Posted Tue Jan 12 07:23:23 PST 1999 by Patricia Ford (
Miami Norland Senior High School, Miami, USA
Materials Required: Biographies, Internet, books
Activity Time: to be determined by the teacher--flexible
Concepts Taught: Using Imagery for African/African American Studies

The teacher will select historical African/African American people who have had major experiences during some historical period. Students will use the media center resources and the internet searches to find biographical information and the events in which they were involved. Once this has been accomplished, assign each student will develop an oral presentation that presents the information about their individual using imagery.

EXAMPLE----Rosa Parks---a student ask all participants to close their eyes while they reinact orally the day Mrs. Parks was arrested on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Voice inflections and some in cases, song, can add a lot to the presentation. All participants must remain completely silent during time that the presenter is talking. Once they have finished, they ask the participants how did they feel during the imagery experience.

This can be done in a circle so that it be comes a circle of friends. Some suggestions of historical figures include, Fannie Lou Hammer, Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr( in a Birmingham jail), Queen Nzinga, Harriet Tubman, Joseph Cinque, local figures, and many others.

Whenever I have used this activity at workshops or with students, it has always been successful. E-mail me if you need asistance or just write a note to let me know how your students reacted to the activity.