Grade: all
Subject: other

#818. Madrigal Scavenger Hunt

, level: all
Posted Fri Jun 18 08:32:55 PDT 1999 by Mary Citta (
West High, Waterloo Blackhawk
Materials Required: music, recordings, computer,internet access, make up posting grid
Activity Time: 3 hours
Concepts Taught: gathering information and comparing

Madrigal Scavenger Hunt
Visit at least three of the following web sites and gather information about madrigals.
Abstract elements of a madrigal from the sites
and list the common elements of this musical form on the graph provided.

Web Sites
Music Notes - Glossary
Musical Form - Madrigals
MUSL242: A 16th Century Madrigal by Any Other Name
MUSL242: Thomas Morley and the English Madrigal
English Madrigal

Summarize your data by listening to the following selections (music and recordings provided by instructor) and determine IF it is a madrigal and be able to support your decision. Mark your music and label distinguishing elements.

"Farewell, Dear Love"
Robert Jones
Michael Praetorius
"Now is the month of Maying"
Thomas Morley
"O occhi, manza mia"
Orlando di Lasso
Cecil Effinger

Teach Madrigal Group
Teach a madrigal to your group using the common elements of madrigal style.